The beggining

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"...." means talking

""......."" means thinking

At this time you are just about to be two

{also some things aren't possible in real life like the kid being able to talk so fluetly and stuff at approx 2 but um quirks aren't possible either so bear with mee :] }


You were waiting outside her room. Why did she say that? Your mind wanders back to an hour ago....

"Ren You can see your mummy in sometime ok. No need to worry she will be perfectly ok. She needs to be alone for sometime and then you will get your baby brother or sister . Don't you want to see your little sibling?" The head maid said.

Yes I did want to see my sibling. I was waiting but why did they say that? ....

"Finally I will have a baby boy. Finally I will have a good life I Wont be suffering with her anymore. "

You heard your mothers voice as she seemingly happily exclaimed these words. You heared your father walk in. "It better be a boy I want a heir this time not another brat already you didn't give birth first. If it turns out to be a brat again you will pay." He threatened. You felt the tear on your cheek. Why...why am I crying ?

A cry bursts throughout the room The maids push open the door as your father rushed in. You followed behind him. "Congratulations Second sir it's a Boy" Your father grinned as he saw the boy "Sir...." The maid said as she handed him the child "Ugh no keep it away let it grow first I will turn him into the heir." He said proudly as he walked out I was clueless as to what was happening. I could see mother sleeping while the maids had a bundle of cloth in their hands . "C-can I hold him" I asked. The shocked maids turned to look at me as I saw their expressions change "Of course sit down on the chair first." The maids said I sat down as I held out my arms they rested the bundle in my arms ...... "W-what will his name be?" The maid asked the head maid. "Well the miss asked us to let the second young master name him...." Everyone was in confusion as to what must be done. If they told the miss that the sir hadn't named him she would get angry and hit and fire most of them while going to the sir only to get beaten and get angry again. "C-can I name him.? He is my sibling and I thought of names for him" Everyone was surprised thinking that it must be some kids name and you were just saying that to relieve them of their burden. "Sure" The head maid said....

"I was thinking Noah"...... The name surprised anyone. "Well it does help us and we just don't have to tell the second miss so I think it should be fine" The head maid said. "Hello Noah. I swear to protect you...." Everybody thought it was cute. But if the heard what she said later they would be horrified.

"..Even with my life.".....


Third Pov: 

"Wh-where, where is he??!" she yelled excitedly. "Where is my son? what did he name him?". She asked the head maid who by custom was staying with the second lady since she had given birth "U-um that is....." "Go on speak up don't hesitate" she asked with a vivid grin "U-um Noah..." she paused looking up to see the second lady's expression "Really?!?!? That's such a nice name!! he will inherit such good qualities. he is my only support. Unlike that useless brat." The maids flinched at the term. Unlike the other members of the family who didn't even bother about these mere servants...the little miss was the only one other than the elder and  madam to treat them well. She gave them gifts tips and, praises and thankyous which were so rare in this place . "The head maid clenched her fists as she bowed and replied "Miss that's-" "I have him" The little girl replied. everyone turned their heads to the couch. The maids who were trying to protect the miss at their own costs were saddedned knowing what would happen. "mother was tired and had fainted so I decided to look after him till mother woke up... "YOU BRAT WHO GAVE YOU THE PERMISSION TO TOUCH HIM IF HE GOT EVEN A BRUISE JUST WAIT AND WATCH WHAT I WILL DO TO YOU!!" she yelled as she walked over to the little girl. she picked the sleeping kid from the girls arms but as soon as she did... "WAAH!!" the kid started crying. In hopes of calming him down the mother tried to imitate the maids and rock the kids in her arms only to add ore tears to is screams."Wh-why wont he stop crying?" The lady looked exasperated as she asked the maids. The head maid looked up to the lady "Miss maybe its because he is just a newborn and it might take time for him to relax. May I hold him?" She asked politely "NO!" she yelled not wanting to give off her precious son to a mere maid . But as she saw him continue to cry "F-Fine but don't think too much about it" She sighed as the maid picked the kid. "shhh young master don't cry you need to be strong don't you strong kids don't cry" She said consoling words while rocking the crying kid in hopes of calming him down But to no avail. "Can I hold him?" the young kid asked "U-um miss Pardon?" The doctors aid asked "well he didn't cry while I was holding him so can i hold him again to try and stop I'm from crying? The maids looked up at the second lady as she nodded her head thinking nothing would come out of it "The aid handed the kid to the little misses lap. 

Quiet. The young kid finally stopped crying as he snuggled into his sisters arms. "If you don't mind mother since the maids might do something to him can I take care of him?" The little miss asked her mother putting up an apollegetic face towards the maid who acknowledged her intentions of wanting to keep her sibling close to her. "WHAT?! YOU LITLLE BRAT AREN'T YOU BEING BOLD TODAY?!?" she raised her hand to slap the girl-"U-Um actually my lady if I may say so the kid staying with someone who touch is known and recognised might be good till the time they start walking." The doctors aid prompted in hope to lessen the little girls beatings ....

The lady paused and thought about it "What's up with this new behaviour of yours" She questioned seeing the brat finally speaking up to her "Its just as mother said if my brother succeeds so do I " The girl said with a bow but her voice showed no sincerity ""Not that i can do anything about this brat""

"Ugh fine then it your responsibility to take care of him. If anything happens to him you know what will happen" The woman threatened. "Yes mother" the kid bowed her head. "Hmm well I am feeling tired and I am going to sleep do as you see fit and take care of my son" She declared as she walked back to her bed. 

Wasup freaks this is my second book BNHA x Reader. Where your name is specified and thats just for special effects ifyou dont like it just read it as Y/N. also I would request you to read the description. 

so ummm yea thats it see ya in the next one

Your author


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