Truth be told

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"Ill go invite the miss , you can continue with the allocation of the supplies" Martha suggested. "Yes let's do that" Sebastian nodded as he walked towards the stairs.

Martha pov:

I walked towards the young miss and second lady's room. The kids of the family were allotted rooms when they were 4 but the procedure could be conducted before or early than that. The kids were allowed to choose non-resided rooms. Soon I saw the miss standing in front of the large window in the halls before the entrance . With her now usual dress and open hair. "M-Miss" I called out. As she turned around "Yes Miss Martha?" she said with her signature closed eye smile which was enough to even make the coldest persons heart melt "Miss in the first place please refrain from addressing me with such honorifics" I said. As I was just the head maid I still wasn't in the position to be given such honorifics. "N-no you're older to me... Nevermind that, what did you need me for?" She said. 'Let's keep this discussion for later and finish the order first' "the elder and madam are inviting you to the elder study" I answered.

Third pov:

"Asking for me?" she asked. "Yes and I am to guide you there" martha answered. "Well ok I'll go but there is no need to guide me I know the way around the mansion" "BUT- nevermind you won't listen anyways" she sighed. "Thankyou I'll be on my way now" Ren smiled as she walked towards the study.

You're A.K.A Ren pov:

[SFX: Knock Knock] "May I come in?" you asked "Yes come in" Clara answered in her affectionate voice. "I am in front of the elder and the madam, greetings clan elder and madam" you said as you bowing with one leg behind while holding your dress with the tip of your fingers. "Drop the etiquette when we are alone we are family afterall" Anastacius said warmly "Yes Grandfather" You said with a smile on your face. "You called me Grandfather, Grandmother?" You asked. "Ren I will be asking you something to which I want an honest answer" Grandmother asked concern slightly seeping through her voice "Yes grandmother" "Tell me whats going on with your parents" You flinched "Nothing-Nothing unusual" You said trying to put on a reassuring smile "Ren come with me" Grandmother said and with the tone of her voice you understood there wasn't any room for refusal.

In the next room:

"Ren please undress" You nodded as you did. You heard your Grandmother gasp and knew that she had found out... "R-ren what...what is this?!?!" "U-UM grandmother...." "Wear your dress we'll talk in the study" grandmother said with an unusual coldness in her voice

Back inside the study:

"So hows her wound?" Grandfather asked as grandmother sat back down beside grandfather "Anastacius this.....this is not ok ..." As soon as he heared his wifes voice shaking he knew this case wasn't so simple. "Ren please tell us what is going on..." He asked. "W-well father was just getting angry that I wasn't helping and he started taking it out on mom and the she wasn't able to take it so she started taking it out on me..." You almost whispered.. your grandparents looked troubled "BUT-BUT they aren't at fault I mean father is right I am not of any help..." "Re that isn't true.." grandmother started. "NO grandmother it is the truth that is why I will start training fast and learn fast so that I can help father and mother." Your grandfather sighed "Ren then have you thought about your room? When are you deciding to move in?" Anastacius asked knowing that you couldn't be persuaded further "Yes grandfather I am thinking of moving in as soon as possible I am fine even if its today..!" You said excitedly. "Well its good to see you this excited. Have you decided which room you want?" grandmother asked. "Yes grandmother I want the attic!" [SFX: Du Du DUNN]

"T-The attic?!" grandmother asked while grandfather looked at me surprised. "Yes grandmother I like that place a lot it has a beautiful view and the most sunlight!" You added cheerfully

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