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 Chi-Chi and you

"This is the bowl I choose for you sorry for taking your freedom"

It was around 10 in the morning , about an hour after my usual breakfast "Hah another boring day huh" I sighed wading in with the bucket of water I was holding as I unknowingly stepped on glass on the ground forgetting about my healing ankle "AH Shit!" I whisper yelled by instinct . "Seriously this glass too?".

 Currently I was in the extreme back of the XANDERITE which was quite easy to access. Father Grandfather and Uncle all three were as close as possible to the front of the estate as the arrival of news people could be easily informed and grandmother even though she prefered quiter places stayed with grandfather in the front of the estate. Even aunt was trying to do the same thus getting place in almost the middle of the estate. But since mother didn't have any interest in the succession earlier she gladly took the back end , but now that ,that had changed she too took a place near aunt  that is the middle of the estate. 

My room was in the attic which was a very wide area at the top if the entire estate thus I and a good view of any external activities and my windows opened up to all the sides of the estate which I liked. But I usually had to spend most of my time with mother in her part of the estate which I hated because of the noise thus I decided to stay in mothers old place instead. Saddly the maids also had to leave the place as is because the front of the estate was quite bigger than the back and had to be kept prim and proper at all times thus requiring thorough cleaning almost everyday , and so did the gardens and plants . Thus my second most favourite place inside the XANDERITE [Name of the mansion] was ruined. Thus I had snuck in mop , broom , dusters and soaps to clean it . But the amount of dust stored there after a few months was not helping me in anyway . 

" Yosh, Ikaso" I started with the picking up all the glass and started sweeping . About an hour after I finally was able to start with the mopping which was gladly easier than the sweeping...

"HAAAAH finally done with it..." I sighed as I sat down on the floor looking at the clock on the wall . "Ah its 1 already? What would they serve "I Looked around proud of my work when I saw the desks and chairs cowered with dust, "Oh come on..." I sighed remembering that I still had to dust "AH I am too tired to that right noow" I groaned as slid to the floor . "Ehh I guess I can do that later, ill just lie down for a few minutes..." 

I woke up dazed as I took in my surrounding "Ah I slept here.." I thought aloud.  I looked out the window "oh its still morning?" It was still bright outside "Oh its three o' clock already?" I exclaimed looking at the clock. "Ah lets go to the backyard" I slid down the railings of the stairs as usual as I came to the ground floor I saw the window open as I ran and jumped through it. "Wow that was a good jump" I exclaimed as I started running towards the forest. 

The backyard of Xanderite was a completly different scenery than the front yard , which was perfectly symetrical with no weeds , full of popular flowers like roses, tulips etc. while the backyard was its complete opposite. Unlike the front yard the backyard was a vast area manipulated by mother using her quirk filling it with all sorts of plants  . It was a field after which there was a forest , With trees that went up till 130 m ( 426 feet) and filled with hydrangea. But mother had put some work into it . Making small paths that twisted and turned and anyone who didnt know the route could definetly be lost.

The backyard had a lake running through it which formed a still pond at the centre of the yard. It had a piece of land floating on it were two wisteria tree A purple and a blue one which intertwined with each other.... 

After crossing the lake and leaving the forest there were several small hills filled with dandelions and lavenders with a clearence where there was a huuuge mango tree which also mother had planted. 

What wasn't known was that mother used the elementals to form creatures called evmas . Which looked like transparent and glowing animals but with special features. The plants that mother created were made by elemental of nature and thus had a power  in it that enabled healing and reproduction . The evmas fed on the power released by these plants mother planted the power being called "Deus-vel" But once a year or so mother had to use her quirk here to enable the survival of these beings .

But after fathers change in behaviour mother slowly started to change and she started hating the yard which she called NAVALES. And thus these creatures who had no idea about mother hate for navales were something I felt bad for. "Hah lets get these thought out of my head and meet up with areatis, lupis [google translate] and the others!" I thought aloud as I ran through the thick forest avoiding the tree roots . 'they would be at the lake ' 

After a few minutes I finally reached the clearence to the lake " HAH finally here" I huffed as I reached my destination. I looked around for any evmas but I couldn't find any of them 'were did they go? ' "hah nevermind" I sat by the shore taking out my small bottle to scoop water out of the lake. "Hah this always tastes good" I looked at the waters scooping in water another time as i got lost in thought looking at my reflection . I brought the bottle to my lips my eyes fixed on my reflection when I felt a cold touch on my lips , I dropped the bottle as I jumped back as I shivered sub-consciously. After a few seconds of trying to calm my heart I looked into the bottle as I saw a fish in it

 After a few seconds of trying to calm my heart I looked into the bottle as I saw a fish in it

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"Huh?" well at least it isn't some weird creature I sighed I tilted my bottle towards the lake but suprisingly it didn't come out "Well.... fiine I will give you till 5 counts if you don't leave then I will take you with me " I said hoping it wouldn't so that I would have a friend. "1.....2....3.....4....." I said probing it "...and 5" I finished glad that it didn't jump. Ok since its getting late and the evmas aren't coming lets go back to Xanderite. 

Instead of running and skipping as I usually today I was espescially carefull so as to not inconvenience my new friend . I smiled to myself talking to my friend introducing him my family as I walked through Navales ...

Yup so this is an extra about Ren and Chi-Chi comment if you want more such adventures and/or extras with other charecters. also message me for questions or ideas for the story or extras :]

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