♡ 3: How Did He Brainwash You So Fast?

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A/N: This story is at 100 reads and Serendipity is at a little over 400 and I'm????? Thank you so much! I literally love everyone who's read both of these books so far!

I've been picturing Nicolette (Leslie's wife!) as Theo and Ryan Destiny as Maria!

Warnings: Language, as usual. Mentions of attempted murder and violence.

Peggy ♡

❝Did you do that to be petty?❞

"What are you talking about?" I fall into Eliza's desk chair, exhausted. We'd just finished bringing all of her stuff up to her room after we set up Angelica's. I just want to nap, but I can't because I have to go to an orientation in thirty minutes.

"Giving John your number."

Yes, absolutely. "No." I shrug. "He's cute."

"He's Satan," Angelica tells me, frowning. They both have called him that, and I think it's amusing. They both say that's he's Satan, but can't give me a real reason as to why.

"Satan's hot." I shrug.

"What did I just walk in on?" Our father raises his eyebrows, confused and a little disturbed.

"Just Liz and Ang telling me who I can and can't hang out with." I shrug. "The usual."

I'm surprised it's taken them so long to mention that I gave John my phone number. After he left my room, there wasn't really anything they could say because our father walked in.

"What does that have to do with Satan?"

"She just gave a bad guy her number."

"They won't even give me a real reason to why he's bad. They just don't like him because -"

"Because, what?" Angie interrupts me, shaking her braids out as she removes them from the ponytail they were in.

"John Laurens is a liar, Peggy." Eliza scowls, making her bed. "Don't be naive. He hates us just as much as we hate him. I guarantee anything he said about us was something that he made up."

I doubt that. "You're the one who's a liar, Eliza. Cut the shit."

"Why don't all of you cut the shit?" Dad interrupts. "Is there a reason Peggy shouldn't hang out with this John guy? Is he dangerous? Does he do drugs?"

"He smokes weed." Eliza shrugs, looking away.


"And, he's a jerk."

"So, what?" He asks, confused. "I was a jerk in school too."

I nod, "I can see that." He flicks my ear. "Hey!"

"Let your sister pick her own friends, okay? Okay. Good. Hug me goodbye." That's the end of that conversation for now. I know they'll bring it up again if they have the chance.

After hugging our father goodbye, I plop onto Eliza's bed, pulling my phone out. Angelica's helping Eliza unpack her clothes and I've helped enough. "Are you going to help us?"

I look up. "No."

"We helped set your room up."

"No," I shake my head. "Dad did. You two made my bed so you could lay on it." A text notification pops up on my screen from an unknown number and I click on the message.

Margarita! It's John. Save my number.

I sigh. If he called me Margarita again, I was going to shove my foot up his ass. I save his number, adding his name in my phone as 'Freckles' with an eye-rolling emoji. I know he's changed my contact name from Peggy. I just hope he didn't change it to Margarita.

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