♡ 16: Like I Don't

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a/n: This whole thing is basically smut. The beginning is basically going over ground rules. Have fun, I guess, lol.

beginning of chapter warnings: swearing

smut warnings: Degradation, John's a mean dom, spanking, choking (I think?), male receiving oral, female receiving oral, fingering, rough sex, facial, dirty talk, mouth spitting, female ejaculation (squirting), finger sucking.


It takes a little convincing, but I finally get John to start the elevator again.

He keeps his hands to himself while we walk back to my room. Well, mostly to himself. He keeps one hand in the back pocket of my jeans the entire way. "Can I have my phone back?" I ask, the thought crossing my mind as we stop outside my door.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." He pulls it out of his pocket and slides it into mine. As I unlock my door, his lips are back on my neck, trailing open-mouthed kisses across my hot skin.

"Jesus, John. What's gotten into you today?"

"No PDA in the halls!" Someone yells from down the hall.

"Fuck off!" John responds, taking my keys out of my fumbling hands and opening the door for us.

As soon as we step inside, John is kicking the door closed and pressing me up against it. "Hey, cool it."


"Take a breather."

"I didn't mean to force you. I'm sorry."

I shake my head. "No, you weren't! Like, just - let's talk, okay?"

"Talk?" He frowns up. "What do we need to talk about?"

"Do you have condoms? Because I've been skipping my birth control."

"Why have you been skipping your birth control?" Because I'm shit at remembering things. I should've gotten the fucking shot.

"Because I forget to take it!"

"So, why do you have an alarm on your phone to remind you if you aren't going to use it?" He groans. "Damn, girl." I roll my eyes. "To answer your question, yes, I do have condoms. I always have condoms. I stashed some in your bedside table like a week ago."

Of course, he did. Horny bastard.

"That's all, right? No more talking?" He cups my face in his hands, trying to pull me into a kiss when I speak again.

"We need a safe word."

"Stop works for me. I mean, if you tell me to stop, I will."

"I know."

"But we'll use the color system. Green for keep going, yellow for slow down, red for stop."

I nod, "Okay."

"What aren't you comfortable with?"

"Don't do any weird shit with my feet." I don't really like having my feet touched. So, I didn't want anyone's mouth near them.

"No weird feet shit, cool." He kicks his shoes off.

I hesitate, wringing my hands together. "Um... at the police station, when we were talking about feelings. We were kind of interrupted. I didn't get to tell you how I -"

He shakes his head, cutting me off. "It's okay, Mars. If you're not ready to vocalize it..."

I bite my lip. "You mean everything to me, John. And I -"

Walk On The Wild Side ♡ JEGGY ✓Where stories live. Discover now