♡ 15: Stubborn

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a/n: this is kind of everywhere? it's pretty much another filler.

trigger warning: swearing. John's an asshole but we knew that. Also, things get heated towards the end, but no smut. Oh. Crude language.



I dash in front of him, blocking him from continuing down the hall. "Baby, please, just stop." Jefferson lived a floor above John, so that's where we were, down the hall from his room.

As soon as my father dropped us back off at school, John got a wild look in his eye and took off. He didn't run, because he can't, but damn that boy walked fast when he was pissed.

I'd been trying to catch up to him since then. He's still very much recovering and I don't want him hurt again. But he's not thinking of himself. The only thing he's thinking about is making Jefferson his punching bag.

He doesn't even have a plan.

"Get out of my way," he steps to the side, but I step in front of him.

"I'm doing this for your own good. I'm trying to protect you."

"I'm trying to protect you!"

"Not like this, okay? Just wait it off. We need a plan."

He shakes his head, turning away to tug his fingers through his hair. "God, Sunshine," his hand is shaking as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "He's gotta fucking pay for this."

I reach out to touch him, but he dodges my hand, his angry eyes barely sparing me another glance. "Not right now, though. It can wait a little while longer?"

"Wait a little longer for what? So that prick can release that fuckin' video and ruin your life? Nah, fuck that. He needs to be dealt with." He pops his knuckles. "And you need to get the fuck out of my way so I can deal with it."

He steps around me but I find myself in front of him again, and he groans and turns around again. "Just let me do this, Margarita. It's not going to kill you to move out of my way. I'm trying my hardest to do everything to keep you safe. So, let me."

"John," I whisper, wanting him to calm down, but not knowing exactly how to do that.

"I meant it when I said I would protect you."

"I know."

"I won't let you go through something like that again. And, Thomas isn't going to fucking stop. He's going to blackmail you with it. I know this asshole. Just move out of my way and let me take care of it." I block his path again, and he lets out a frustrated sigh. "I can move you, Mars. You know I can. If you don't want me to do that, get the fuck out of my way."

The low growl of his voice is supposed to scare me, but it does the exact opposite. All it does is turn me on. I can't help that he's hot as fuck when he's mad. He's working his jaw, clenching and unclenching his fists at his side. His usually bright eyes are dark. The tops of his ears are red.

For good reason, he's pissed. He has every right to be. I'm angry, too. But one of us needs to be rational while the other one goes off the rails. He's not thinking clearly. We just got arrested. He needs to have some kind of plan before he winds up in handcuffs again.

"We need a plan, John." I press my hands against his chest, trying to hold him off.

"I have a plan. Beat his ass and get every copy of the video." He tries to sidestep me again, but I block him. "You're starting to piss me off." I can tell by the way that he's looking at me that I'm on thin ice.

Walk On The Wild Side ♡ JEGGY ✓Where stories live. Discover now