♡ 4: Blood Pact

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A/N: I'm sorry, in advance. I triggered myself writing John's part further down.  Be careful and stay safe!

Trigger Warning: Mentions of sexual assault, victim-blaming, and language.


❝Angie, are you sure about this?❞

Angelica turns to look at me, "Do you want to wait out here?" I nod. "Fine." I lean back against the wall, crossing my arms against my chest.

She knocks twice on the door before it opens and she disappears inside.

This is so bad.

I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but if Peggy's not going to believe us, we'll just have to show her who John is.

I hope this is just a backup plan.

My phone rings in my back pocket. It's Alex. I answer, placing the phone to my ear. "Hey, Lex. What's up?"

"Where are you? I thought you guys told us to be here at three?"

I check my watch. It's 3:15. "Oh, yeah. Angie and I just had to take care of something, we'll be there soon." I sigh. "Is Peggy there yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Alex, can you do me a favor? You're very persuasive." If he can convince Peggy to stay away from John, Angie and I wouldn't have to resort to such extreme measures.

He laughs, "What do you need?"

"So... Peggy has met John and I think she likes him."

"Yeah," he sighs, "John told me. He likes her, too. I already told him that it's not a good idea. But, John doesn't listen to anyone."

This isn't good.

Of course, John likes her. Everyone likes her. I was hoping he was talking to her to get under my skin, but now that I know he isn't, it makes my stomach twist. "Can you talk to her when she gets there? Like, talk some sense into her? I don't want John to hurt her like he did you."


"Just tell her what he did to you. She'll leave him alone, then."

I still don't understand how Alex can say that John is his best friend. How can he laugh and joke with him every day? I can't stand the sight of John and I don't know how Alex does.

"I don't want to rehash all of that, Eliza."

"John's a monster, Alex. Please."

He's silent for a few seconds. I almost think he's hung up before I hear shuffling. "Okay, yeah. I see her now. I'll talk to her. I'll let her know he's dangerous."

"Thank you."

"I'll see you soon." I hang up, letting out a breath when Angelica comes back out of the room, tucking something into her purse.

"Did you get it?"

She nods, "Yeah. I did. Let's hide it in your room."

"My room? Why my room?" I ask, frowning. I was barely on board with her outrageous plan. I didn't want to stash anything.

"No one's going to suspect you to have stuff like this in your room. Just hide it where no one will think to look, but not someplace you'll forget. We'll need it tonight."

I nod. "Okay. Tonight. What's tonight?" Why do we need it tonight?

"The bonfire, Liza. Keep up. We're all going to go. John is definitely going. That boy never misses a chance to drink and do something stupid. We just need to make sure that Peggy goes."

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