♡ 9: Get Your Hands Bloody For Me

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A/N: Making this long because the last two chapters have been shorter than 3000 words, which doesn't sit right with me. This is spread out by three pov's. Angie, John, and Mars - er, Peggy.

trigger warning: swearing, mentions of sex, violence, blood, and death.


❝I wish you could've seen the look on John's face when Matthews came into the room.❞

The only person who had the same history as John and Peggy was Hercules. He texted me the exact moment John left the room, crying. "He looked like he was going to shit his pants," Herc continues, sitting down at the table next to Burr. "Then Peggy took him out of the room. He must've told her his little sob story because she called Matthews a rapist before she left."

Word spread quickly that John had a breakdown after seeing his old coach. He and Peggy both skipped history.

"I saw them both in English," Theo starts, sitting down at our table with her tray. "John looked pissed. Like, he might kill someone, pissed. They were writing in a notebook... like they were plotting something. I don't think this was a smart move. I think we all need to watch our backs. I know Peggy's your little sister, and you guys think the world of her, but the bitch is a little crazy."

"Theo!" Eliza gasps.

"I'm just calling it as I see it. I think she gets John. Crazy knows crazy."

"I said this the other day and I got scolded," Alex murmurs. "After this morning, people are calling her Psycho Schuyler."

Yeah, I heard that. At least she'd be happy they weren't calling her a slut anymore. "John's manipulating her to be someone she's not." Peggy would've never attacked someone like before she met John. That boy has some type of hold on her and I hate it. "She's never been violent like that."

"Well, how would you know?" Burr asks, "You guys only see her during holidays and summer break. And, you aren't even home for most of the summer break because we're always hanging out. She could always be like this and you've never noticed."

"No." I shake my head.

"Impossible," Eliza murmurs.

"You guys are biased." Lafayette points out. "Your little sister is the female version of John."

"I still think we should leave them alone," Maria adds. "I don't want your sister to break my arm."

I roll my eyes, "Helen's dramatic. She didn't break her arm."

"Peggy dislocated her shoulder and that's close enough."

"Speaking of," Herc motions to both Peggy and John as they walk in the dining hall, hand-in-hand. "There go the lovebirds."

"Ugh," Eliza groans. "Don't call them that." They head into the dinner line, disappearing. "What does she see in him?"

"Respectfully," Alex grabs Eliza's hand. "John's hot." We both roll our eyes at him. "And, apparently she digs the whole bad boy thing. Let's not forget she said it was hot when I told her he almost killed someone."

He was never going to let us forget that she said that. I would like to forget she said that.

"John doesn't look like he had a breakdown of any sort." Laf frowns, watching as the duo look for an empty table. "He looks normal."

"So did Ted Bundy," I point out.

"John's not... he's not that bad." Alex swirls the noodles on his plate with his fork but doesn't eat them. He just keeps swirling

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