♡ 13: Okay, Draco Malfoy

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a/n: this isn't very long. Almost 1900 words. This book has been giving me a very hard time. I've been working on this for a week. It's kind of a filler. Okay. Enjoy. Let me know if you find any typos!

trigger warning: swearing, cops being assholes towards the end (unnecessary roughness), John gets a little spicy.


❝Do you want to hear something funny, Sunshine?❞

John's voice is soft, his fingers carding through my hair as I cry in his lap. I can't answer because a sob works its way through my chest, my body shaking with the tears. "Ssh, I've got you, it's okay."

I don't think I've ever been more miserable in my entire life.

John and I confronted my sisters a week ago. They claimed that they didn't have anything to do with it, but we both knew better. They're the only people that would pull a stunt like that and they won't even own up to it. It's sickening.

As if the pictures of John and I weren't bad enough, we got suspended when the principal found out. We weren't supposed to be in each other's rooms with the door closed. It was a residence hall violation.

We got our privacy violated and they aren't even looking into who might've done it. The principal said something like John has a lot of enemies and it could be anybody. I hate this fucking school.

I would tell my dad, but this isn't something I want him to know about. How could I possibly explain this to my father? I couldn't, not without being grounded until I'm 60.

John waits until my sobs are few and far between, "When I was little and it'd start storming outside, I used to think God and the Devil were fighting. So, I'd grab a belt and start hitting the floor to try to help the Lord out."

Why is my boyfriend such a dumbass?

I chuckle a little, sniffling. His large hand nearly covers the expanse of my lower back, his fingers tracing soothing circles across my skin. "So, you were a dumbass kid, too?"

"Yeah," he says nonchalantly. "Sometimes when my mom would cry, I'd say something really stupid to get her to laugh. She swore to everyone that I was a comedian. You laugh at the same stupid shit that she does. Y'all would've gotten along so well."

"Do you miss her more days than others?"

"Yeah. Like the day I met you. I wanted to call her and tell her that I met the girl I was going to spend the rest of my life with."

My cheeks heat. "Stop."

"It's true." His phone starts ringing. "You're my dream girl, Mars."

I smile, "You're such a sap, Freckles."

"Only for you, mi amor." I roll my eyes, fondly. "That's enough crying, okay? No more tears for these assholes, baby."

I nod and sit up, wiping my wet cheeks. John and I hadn't found the hidden cameras in his room, yet, so we've been spending a lot of time in mine. We didn't have shit else to do considering we were both suspended for the next couple of days.

My phone has been blowing up ever since the incident last week. It's mostly texts from disgusting assholes offering me sex proposals. I block the numbers but it seems like the messages keep coming. "John, I don't know what to do."

He frowns, "Maybe you should tell your dad."

"My dad? Have you lost your fucking mind?" I drop my head in my hands. "What am I supposed to tell him? Dad, these jerks are harassing me because pictures of John and I participating in sexual activity are circulating because someone photographed us in his room, so now everyone at school has seen my tits."

Walk On The Wild Side ♡ JEGGY ✓Where stories live. Discover now