♡ 21: Oh, No, John. Part 2

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a/n: last chapter.

content warning: cliffhanger? swearing, abuse, blood, murder plotting, and death threats.


Blood pours from my nose, dripping down onto my white shirt.

My back is forcibly pressed into the wall by the hold my father has on the said shirt.

"You're such a fucking disappointment, John. Knocking up that slutty Schuyler trash."

Movement behind him catches my attention. My eyes land on James, crying as he watches from the doorway.


"Dad -"

"Bet she didn't even get the abortion, did she?" He presses the blade of the knife he previously threatened me with to my throat. "Did she?! Don't fucking lie to me, John. I'll slit your throat right here."

"Daddy! Please don't hurt Jack! Stop it!"

My father ignores him. "Answer me."

I shake my head. "She didn't."

He pulls the knife back, his blue eyes full of nothing but contempt for me. "Should've known... That Schuyler slut. You know what I should do?" He points the knife in my face and I flinch back. He laughs, using his free hand to grab me by the throat, cutting off my air supply.

I struggle in his hold, digging my nails into his wrist. My eyes water as the air gets stuck in my throat, and I begin to choke, panic seeping through me.

Oh, God. I didn't want my baby brother to see our father kill me. "Cut that abomination right out of her stomach. Gut her right in front of you. Let her see how much of a weak piece of shit you are right before she dies. Then, I'll finally kill you. I should've just smothered you when you were a baby."

My vision starts to blur, my muscles weakening. It's getting harder to struggle.

"Pathetic," he spits out, shoving me away. I hit the floor with a hard thud, pulling air back into my lungs and promptly choking on it.

I hear his angry footsteps retreat followed by the front door slamming shut shortly afterward.

Fresh tears fall down my face when I feel James climb on top of me. "Jack, are you okay?"

Once I'm able to speak, I nod. "I'm okay, buddy." I prop myself back up against the wall, wincing in pain.

I can't take this shit anymore.

Threatening me is one thing. Threatening my girl is something else entirely.

He had to fucking go.

Fuck, isn't Mars coming over later?

He's going to come back from whatever bar he's holed himself in, drunk and still angry. What if he hurts her?

No. He won't get the chance. This has to end. Tonight.

"John?" Martha calls, timidly poking her head into my room. "Is he gone?"

"He's gone." I grab a shirt off the edge of my bed to wipe my nose. It wasn't broken, thank God. Nose bleeds are just easy to get.

And, he'll be gone permanently after tonight.

I just needed to come up with a plan. One where I wouldn't get caught. I've watched enough true crime shows. I could think of something. Maybe make it look like an accident... or...

Or maybe, a suicide.

Take him out the same way he tried to take me out.

Wait, this could work. In the note, I could make him write about how after his wife died, his life became miserable. How he hated the person he became, and how his children deserved someone better. A better father. A better parent. I could make him confess to beating me - wait, no. Not that. I'd become suspect number one. No...

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