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Chapter 3

They got lucky. It was only fifteen minutes. Sasuke smirks as he sees Kurenai lead the twins and Mirai off for playtime. Perfect.

Normally, they could have just had the clones watch the twins, but none of them really wanted to take any chances. After all, the clones might get distracted by their quality time together and well, that just wouldn't do.

"I've always been very grateful to Shisui for him teaching me this technique." Itachi smiles as he laces his fingers with both of theirs and performs the Body Flicker.

It was a basic technique, but one could make it flashier than usual. Sasuke remembered that Shisui used to be known as Shisui of the Body Flicker. He and Itachi had been best friends and the other Uchiha had been a bit older. So perhaps, it wasn't surprising that he had taught his brother how to use this particular Jutsu.

Hinata smiles, once they arrive in their bedroom. "Yes, it's a very useful technique." She agrees as she pushes them both onto the bed playfully.

Sasuke smiles. It seemed like she was feeling a bit more aggressive than usual. Which was just fine like him. Sweet surrender or feisty lovemaking. Hinata looked gorgeous employing either technique.

"I was thinking about something." Hinata blushes slightly as she places a few soft kisses along the pale column of Sasuke's throat and then on Itachi's more sun kissed one.

He wasn't really sure how much thinking was involved in it, but yeah. So was Sasuke. Like how to get those clothes off of her as quickly as possible.

She'd probably get annoyed, if he just yanked them off again. Despite the fact that he and Itachi were more than willing to buy her as many clothes as she wanted, their Queen always became most vexed when they did so. And if she didn't want them to buy her new clothes, Hinata also made good money as a medic. So Sasuke really didn't understand why the bluenette feigned such outrage about the whole affair.

Itachi smiles. He was obviously enjoying the affectionate kisses. "Mmm. What were you thinking about?" That was a good question.

"Well we haven't really done this before." Hinata says as she makes a Shadow Clone and the clone makes its way over to Itachi, straddling his waist.

Warning Clone Lemon

Sasuke blinks. Well that was a new one. Not that he was going to argue with the sight of two Hinatas. Nope. He could go with this.

"I'm not entirely certain what you have planned, but the possibilities are certainly intriguing." Itachi smirks.

Sasuke had no idea how Itachi was using multi-syllabled words at the moment. Not when he had Hinata sitting on him so suggestively and she was making such implications, but he was soon distracted. The original Hinata was now straddling his own hips in an equally suggestive fashion.

The clone smiles as she leans down two kiss Itachi and the original Hinata takes out a kunai, slicing off her shirt with ease. Sasuke gives the bluenette an incredulous look. That wasn't fair! They got yelled at when they did that!

"Mmm. It's not the same." She smiles as she unhooks her clone's bra. "I'm destroying my clothes voluntarily and she's a clone." The Uchiha woman shrugs. "So it doesn't matter."

Sasuke wanted to protest the principle of the thing. He couldn't though. The sight of Hinata taking off the other Hinata's bra in such a slow and careful way, well that was extremely distracting.

Well two could play that game. "Uh huh. Well the more the merrier, I suppose." He makes a clone of his own which gets behind the Hinata sitting on his lap.

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