Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Kaemon knew that Aiya's fathers were probably mad at him, but he didn't regret putting that tracker on his friend. He had always known that the Uchiha Children were a little different than most people and at twelve, well he was smart enough to know about bloodlines.

He had gotten his first inkling of what bloodlines meant though when he was a small child. His father had told him about the Chunin Exams.

"There were really only two reasons why Sasuke survived long enough for Naruto to find us in the forest." Gaara shook his head as he situates Kaemon better on his lap. "He was too damn stubborn to die and his Sharingan."

At the time, Kaemon hadn't know what the Sharingan was. "What's the Sharingan and isn't being too stubborn to die a good thing?" So he asked.

Like most children his age, he had had a natural curiosity about things. Kaemon knew there were times when his inquisitiveness both amused and slightly exasperated Gaara, but his father always diligently answered his questions.

Gaara chuckled. "I supposed that it is in this case. The Sharingan is the Uchiha Clan's bloodline." He paused for a moment, deciding to elaborate. "Well now the Uchiha Clan has two bloodlines. The Byakugan from Hinata's Birth Clan and the Sharingan."

"What are bloodlines?" He tilted his head in confusion.

Gaara sighed and that only aroused Kaemon's curiosity more. His father rarely sighed. If he sighed that either meant it was something really bad or something that he felt Kaemon was too young to know. Either way, he wanted to know!

"Bloodlines are traits that are passed down within families." The red head glanced at him cautiously. In ninjas, that's usually related to some sort of special ability that is found only in that Clan. Though some bloodlines can be stolen." Uh oh. That sounded bad.

"How can they be stolen?" Kameon looked at his father intently.

The question obviously made Gaara uncomfortable, but his father continued on anyway. That was just what ninjas did, especially Kages! And his father was the Kazekage, so yeah!

"For instance, the Sharingan is a bloodline that is carried in the eye. If you were to have Sharingan eyes transplanted into yourself, you would have the Sharingan bloodline, even without being born into that Clan." There was another pause. "The Byakugan is the same way."

Kaemon blinked. "So if someone wanted the Sharingan and the Byakugan, they might rip out Aiya's eyes or her brothers' and sisters'?!" He had been horrified!

"That's a possibility. There are Black Markets for such a thing." Gaara sighed heavily. "But your friends are safe. Their parents would never let anything happen to them and I'm quite certain that they'll all be formidable in their own right, before long."

That had been the day that Kaemon had decided to give Aiya Mr. Bear. After he had put a tracker in it. There was no way he was going to let his friend get her eyes stolen!

"Are we close?" Sasuke races along Kaemon's side.

So was everyone else actually. He'd never seen the adults move this fast before and that was certainly saying something. These were all elite ninjas. Fast was kinda their default speed.

He nods. "We're getting close." He could only hope that they didn't discover the bear before they found them.

Inside the cave, Aiya glances at Arashi's supposedly sleeping form. He wasn't asleep though. She knew that much.

Her brother was faking it. The Uchiha girl could only hope that he would have more success with that approach than she had. Unfortunately, they weren't the only ones who had been kidnapped.

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