Chapter 13

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Chapter Notation: This takes place a year after the last one. The twins are six, triplets are three, Kenji is now two, and any new additions are three months old. I've also expanded on the abilities for the various kids. I'll put up a list next chapter to make it easier for everyone to remember who has what and any necessary explanations for how/why each child has which abilities.

Chapter 13

"WAHHH!" The sound of two infants crying can be heard throughout the Uchiha Household. "WAHHH!" And Itachi was doing his damnest to soothe the newest additions to their family.

He wasn't sure exactly when it happened, but he suspected it was around the time he had used a mirror to add a new level of eroticism to his lovemaking with Hinata. Sasuke must have been intimate with her shortly afterwards because there was no doubting the parentage of their final set of twins.

Sasuke shakes his head. "Well at least you've gotten better at changing diapers." Itachi rolls his eyes in response.

Of course he had. When you had eight children, sooner or later you were bound to master certain skill sets. His foolish little brother was still so smug that he had figured out how to change diapers before him. (And for the record, that was only because Sasuke cheated and copied Hinata's technique by using the Sharingan)!

"Of course, I have." He quickly replaces the soiled diaper with a clean one for his youngest son, Shisui.

Itachi smiles fondly at the infant. He had named the boy after his best friend and his cousin. His cousin who had shown him his Ninja Way.

Sasuke chuckles. "Good. Hinata would probably kill us both, if you hadn't." And that was the truth.

"Mmm she would have a good reason to." That poor woman. "Eight children and other than Kenji, every time was a multiple pregnancy."

Still, their wife would always forget about her ire as soon as she held their newest child (or children) in their arms and who could blame her? In Itachi's mind, all of their children were simply adorable.

He'd had yet to run into anyone who disagreed. That or no one who was suicidal enough to disagree while he was in earshot anyway. And thankfully, now that Shisui and Hoshi were clean, they had settled down.

Sasuke nods. "It really is a wonder that she didn't kill us." He smirks and plays with Hoshi's toes.

"It really is." Itachi chuckles.

Shisui was youngest by a matter of minutes. He was also most assuredly Itachi's. He didn't need a DNA test to realize that. The boy's hair color was same shade of somber dark gray or light black as his, though slightly spiker. His skin was also darker than his siblings'. Taking on more of Itachi's light tan, but he was also definitely Hinata's son. Those lavender eyes said it all and so did his kind smile.

"Bye father, bye Papa!" Aiya and Arashi chorus as they scurry over to their fathers and kiss their cheeks.

Itachi smiles. "Have a good day at the Academy." He taught afternoon classes these days. So the twins left before him.

Sasuke nods in acknowledgement and smiles at them. The twins were growing so fast. Actually, all of their children were. That included even the second set of twins.

"Come on, we don't to be late." Hinata walks down the stairs and gestures for Arashi and Aiya to follow her.

The twins bound over. "Yes, mother!" If nothing else, they were certainly eager to get to their lessons. (Probably because they knew that kunai practicing would be coming up soon).

"Have a good day at school and work." Sasuke smiles at them. "And maybe, we'll have a bubble bath ready for your mother when she gets home." He smirks.

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