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Chapter 9

A few days later and Sasuke determines that it was rather apparent he and Itachi had something in common. They were both incredibly frustrated. Of course the twins and triplets came first, but the Daddies wanted their playtime with Mommy too!

"And you really think that is going to work?" Itachi raises an eyebrow at Sasuke.

Sasuke nods. Of course, it was going to work. Aoda was a most excellent babysitter and Hinata knew that!

There was no arguing that the massive serpent loved their Hatchlings as he called them. "Yes, I know that it will. Besides, I'm sure she misses us just as much as we miss her." After all, there was a reason why they had five children together!

"Mmm. Well I can't really argue that point." Itachi smiles and pats Aoda's cheek. "You don't mind, do you?"

The giant snake shakes his head. "Of course not, I love the Hatchlings." His tail swishes. "Such sweet little things."

Itachi chuckles as he heads off to pick Hinata up from the hospital. She was back on duty. The woman insisted on it.

He glances around the now familiar sight of the hospital as he looks for his wife. Sasuke was right. He had missed this particularly aspects of their relationship. Greatly.

"Itachi!" Hinata smiles as she bounds over to him. "The two of you know that you don't have to send someone to pick me up everyday, right?" The bluenette giggles as she kisses his cheek.

Itachi smiles as he wraps his arms around her waist. That smile was like a balm on his soul. It chased away all the horrors of the past. Well at least temporarily.

Upon hearing her question, he snorts in amusement. "Yes, we do. Don't worry. Aoda and Sasuke are watching the children." His hand drifts lower from her waist to her backside.

He gives it a light squeeze, earning a rather pretty red blush from his lover. "Itachi!" In private, she could be such a tigress but in public she turned into a skittish kitten. Which of course, only encouraged him to repeat such gestures more.

The eldest Uchiha couldn't help it. There were something positively endearing about seeing her blush in such a way. He didn't' think that he'd ever be able to fully articulate what it was, but he knew that he liked it.

"Yes, My Love?" A lot. Itachi liked that blush a lot. "Come. We shouldn't keep Sasuke waiting. Aoda has agreed to watch the children and we've drawn three of us a nice hot bubble bath."

Hinata squeaks. "T-That was nice of you." His wife was perceptive woman. Itachi was fully confident in her ability to read between the lines.

He nods his head in agreement. Thankfully, it was Friday and the medic had the weekend off. Which meant they had the rest of today, Saturday, and Sunday to make up for lost time.

By the time Monday rolled around, Itachi imagined she'd be thoroughly ravished and maybe they could persuade her to call in sick. That would be very nice. Hmm.

"Only the best for our Queen." He smiles and teleports them back to the Uchiha District.

Hinata looks around as they arrive and smiles. There was a rather large stroller outside by a truly enormous reptile and two toddlers were using Aoda as a slide. Sasuke was standing by them. Ever watchful.

He smiles when he sees her. "You're back." Sasuke walks over to her and kisses her.

Really kisses her. Hinata feels herself moan into the passionate kiss as she returns it. There was no way to misinterpret the way that her youngest husband was kissing her.

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