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Chapter 5

"Pretty!" Aiya smiles gleefully at the formerly white walls of the living room.

The Uchiha Princess was now two years old. That meant that she and her brother were both able to walk and talk better. That and able to get into everything. Like crayons.

Arashi nods and claps. "Pretty!" While Aiya had found the red crayons and drawn what were supposed to be roses, her brother had found the blue crayons and drawn what was supposed to be the ocean.

In reality, neither of them were particularly success. The red and blue scribbles were everywhere though. Well no great artist had ever been created in a day!

"What's pretty?" Sasuke asks with a smile as he comes into the living room and blinks. "ITACH! HINATA!"

Aiya looks at her Daddy in confusion. Why was he so upset? Didn't he like their drawings? Hmm. Maybe, it just needed more colors!

Yep! That had to be it. So she grabs some other crayons and sets about trying to make a rainbow.

Much to her eternal confusion, her parents seemed displeased by her efforts. "Not pretty?" The two year old's lips quiver in anxiety.

Hinata sighs and scoops up her daughter in her arms. "It's very pretty." Aiya smiles and cuddles into her Mommy, happy that she liked it. "But you aren't supposed to draw on walls."

She wasn't? Aiya looks at Arashi like did you know that we weren't supposed to?" The blank look her brother shoots her in response told her that he didn't either.

Big people were always making up all kinds of silly rules. Aiya didn't understand them half the time. Why would they be upset about the pretty walls?

Itachi shakes his head. "I suppose we could always paint over it." He sighs as he glances at the wall.

Paint over it? Why would they want to do that?! It was pretty! Her mother had said it was pretty! Aiya could feel a tantrum coming on.

Arashi shakes his head stubbornly as he walks over to Sasuke. "No paint!" He crosses his chubby little arms. "We make! It stay!"

That was right! It was staying up! And that was that. Why wouldn't they want beautiful roses and a majestic ocean on the walls of their homes? Aiya bet that no other home in the village had prettier walls than theirs!

Hinata laughs and shakes her head. "Well what if we let the two of you help us repaint the walls?" She smiles at the twins.

The twins look at each other. Hmm. That might be okay.

Aiya and Arashi considers this for a minute. After all, this was a very important decision. After a minute or two, they both nod their heads slowly in agreement. "That be kay." She nods her head again in acceptance.

Hinata smiles. "Good. We'll get some paint later." She smiles and cuddles them both, before setting them down and quickly racing off to the bathroom.

Elsewhere Kaiden and Kira were not particularly pleased. Their invitation to the Uchiha District still hadn't been restored. The petty slight hadn't gone unnoticed by the rest of the Clan.

No one knew how to react exactly. While they were both respected members of the Hyuga Clan, so was Hinata. No one seemed particularly sure of whose side to take.

It was the Uchiha Matriarch's kindness that was the problem. Kira was certain that most of their kin were thinking the same thing. "Kaiden, what are we going to do about this?" Someone as "sweet" as her wouldn't revoke an invitation without a good reason.

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