Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"Do you think that your father is ever going to stop giving me death threats?" Kaemon glances as his wife as he pushes the stroller.

Aiya smiles at her husband and shakes her head in amusement. That seemed very unlikely. After all, the two of them had been married for two years already and the death threats hadn't ceased. So it seemed unlikely that they were ever going to do so.

A giggling is heard from inside the stroller. "Candydaddies!" From their daughter.

Emiko was now a year old. "It's unlikely." Their firstborn child was now up and about and very much capable of walking, but there was no way she could have managed the long journey to the Uchiha District. Besides, she loved being pushed in her stroller.

"Yes, Candydaddies." Aiya laughs at the name and then looks at her husband apologetically. "I doubt it, but please don't take it to heart." She smiles. "Just think of it as an affectionate greeting."

Her husband gives her justifiably incredulous look at that. "An affectionate greeting means either threatening to castrate me with a Chidori or lock me up in a Genjutsu until I'm driven to insanity, if I hurt you?" He raises an eyebrow at Aiya in utter disbelief.

The Uchiha woman nods her head and smiles. Yes, by Uchiha Father Standards, it was. Thank goodness.

"Yes, that's an affectionate greeting." She looks down at their daughter and smiles. She was beautiful with her crimson red hair and dark violet or midnight blue eyes. "And before you ask, if they weren't being affectionate…they would actually do it." She had Aiya's skin tone, but Kaemon's ears and nose.

Kaemon gulps at that as Aiya kisses his cheek reassuringly. Not that she would ever allow her parents to do such a thing to the father of her child. She loved Kaemon too much and going without their own personal training sessions would be torture.

"Good to know." There were some things that even Kazekages were scared of. "You'd think they'd be worried about threatening me. It might cause an international incident." Uchiha Fathers were one of them.

She smiles at him. "I'd never let them do it." Aiya leans up on her tip toes and brushes her lips against his ears. "After all, you take such good care of us. Really, protecting you from my overprotective fathers is really the least that I can do." And at this, Kaemon could only smirk in agreement as they made their way towards the Uchiha District.

Meanwhile Sasuke raises an eyebrow. Another one? This was getting rather annoying. Just how many suitors were his daughters going to have?! At this point, it seemed like half of the youth of the Leaf Village was panting after his daughters and the other half were panting after his sons!

"Is she around?" Eli asks with a bright smile, holding a bouquet of roses.

They were very nice roses. Lavender ones. They were much like the Byakugan in color and long stemmed. Which only served to agitate Sasuke more.

"No, Eli." Sasuke shakes his head as he considers shutting the door in the boy's face. "Nara isn't around."

The boy had been following his youngest daughter around like a lost puppy or something. To make matters worse, Sasuke begrudgingly admitted that most would have found Eli to be an attractive boy with his long midnight black hair and dark blue eyes. He was already a Jonin at age twenty as well.

The boy looks at him in confusion. "Oh. Well that's okay. I wasn't asking about Nara." He smiles at him.

That surprised Sasuke. Then again, maybe the boy was just particularly simple despite his battle prowess or he was color blind. The triplets were identical save for their eye coloration, after all.

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