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Chapter Notation: Two years have passed since the last chapter. So the twins are 5, the triplets are 2, and the newest addition is 1.

Chapter 10

Hinata shakes her head as she watches Kenji stumble over to one of his Daddies. Sasuke looked so smug as he scooped him up into his arms and she knew why. Against all reason, she had allowed him to talk her into it.

"Well no paternity test necessary on that one." Itachi watches in amusement as he wraps his arms around Hinata's waist and kisses her cheek. "I think six children is enough. I'm not nearly as competitive as Sasuke is."

The Uchiha Matriarch sighs in relief. They still didn't know who belonged to which Uchiha Brother for certain, but apparently that didn't really matter to Itachi. She found it doubtful that Sasuke had sired all of them though.

Hinata had her suspicions that Itachi had fathered the triplets. They were for the most part a lot more serene than their eldest siblings, well except for Miya. That one certainly defied every stereotype that the young woman had heard about middle children.

Kenji snuggles up against Sasuke's chest. "Daddy!"

It was that serenity and a few other features that made the bluenette believe that the triplets belonged to Itachi, but she wasn't going to voice that thought. Her eldest husband seemed perfectly content to just treat all the children as if they were his, even if it was obvious that Kenji definitely wasn't.

"Good boy." Sasuke smiles and kisses the top of his head as he dodges a sneak attack from Arashi and catches him.

Itachi shakes his head again. "You're going to regret encouraging the twins to practice their stealth skills." Aiya and Arashi were about to enter the Academy and Sasuke had foolishly said they should practice.

Just then, Aiya comes flying out of nowhere and tackles Sasuke and her two brothers from behind. Luckily, Itachi caught Kenji and Hinata got Arashi.

"Gotcha!" Aiya beams, seeming rather pleased with herself.

Itachi smirks. "You shouldn't have let your guard down, Sasuke. Tsk. Tsk." Hinata tries not to laugh at Sasuke being outsmarted by a five year old, but it was impossible not to.

Miya giggles. "Silly daddy!" Itachi nods in agreement and Sasuke rolls his eyes at that.

Yep. Hinata was pretty sure the triplets were Itachi's. It sounded a lot like foolish brother to her. Anyway, she glances at her youngest to make sure he was okay.

Kenji was named after his paternal grandfather and well, he definitely took after Sasuke. Well at least when it came to looks. Much to Sasuke's dismay, Hinata had seen his baby pictures. Kenji looked like a mini blue haired version of Sasuke.

Itachi shakes his head and places Kenji on the couch and Hinata does the same with Arashi. She did feel a little guilty that the boys were so heavily outnumbered, but Hinata had had quite enough of pregnancy, thank you very much.

"And just so both of you know, we're stopping at six." She was going to put her foot down this time.

It didn't matter how persuasive her husbands could be. Labor was not a pleasant experience and as much as she loved her children, it would be a miracle if the village could survive being home to six mini Uchihas. All of whom would likely be using the Fireball Jutsu soon. (Or in Arashi's case, already using it).

Sasuke smirks. "Well I wouldn't say no to a few more." Hinata was tempted to smack that smug look off his face, but she refrains. "But six is a good number."

Alright. For the moment, Sasuke had earned himself a temporary reprieve from being smacked. Both because he had conceded defeat and also because well who knows, Sasuke might enjoy it too much.

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