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Chapter 6

Hinata smiles as she watches the twins play with their new playmates. Akeno and Kaemon. The twins were now about two and a half years old, but Akeno and Kaemon were younger.

This was apparently something that fascinated both their daughter and their son. Having someone around who was smaller than them! It was quite amusing to watch.

"I'm surprised the idiot figured out how to father a child." Sasuke smirks.

Hinata shakes her head and swats her youngest husband lightly, while giggling. Sasuke was Sasuke. He apparently just couldn't resist picking a fight with Naruto.

Naruto twitches. "Excuse me?!" And Naruto would always take the bait.

Akeno was Sakura's and Naruto's daughter. Her name meant beautiful sunrise and bright shining field. And the toddler certain lived up to it.

"You heard me." Sasuke smirks and Itachi chuckles.

The children were oblivious to their parents bickering though. Arashi wanders right over to Akeno and glomps her. "Sunny!

Sunny was the Uchiha boy's nickname for her. With Akeno's sunshine colored hair, it was no mystery where he came up with it. The poor girl was likely going to be stuck with that nickname for the rest of her life, but there was no denying she was an adorable child.

Gaara shakes his head. "Some things never change." He smiles and kisses Mei's cheek.

Mei nods in agreement as she watches Sunny's green eyes sparkle with surprise and delight. Her little chubby cheeks had also inherited Naruto's whiskers, but she had Sakura's skin tone. The perfect blend of her parents, the Kage supposed.

Aiya was far more interested in Kaemon than Akeno though. Well more specifically, she was interested in his white fluffy teddy bear. The son of two Kages didn't seem to mind though.

"Bear." He nods sagely as if this was some profound observation.

Hinata smiles as she watches them play. Kaemon's name meant joyful. Which she supposed was also fitting. Mei and Gaara had been overjoyed to find out that Mei was expecting.

Aiya nods and huggles the bear. "Yes, bear." The red head was surprisingly tolerant of sharing his favorite toy with her. It was sweet.

"Do you know what you're having yet?" Sakura smiles at Hinata.

Hinata shakes her head. No. Today was the big day though. She was going in for an ultrasound, in a couple hours.

The bluenette was almost positive it was twins at this point. There was so much damn kicking going on. Why did all her children have to be such Taijutsu Specialists?!

As if sensing her thoughts, Sasuke smiles and caresses her cheek. "No, but we're going to find out today." He then kisses her briefly. "And don't worry, Hinata. We'll take good care of you just like last time."

Her husbands did take excellent care of her. Which was probably why she was pregnant again. They were rather thorough in this regard. Not that she minded. Her pregnancy hormones were reeking havoc on her already healthy sex drive.

At least the morning sickness was over, but now she still had food cravings and almost everything made her want to pounce or be pounced by her lovers. Of course, that had been a normal thing before pregnancy. Well minus the cravings, but it was particularly intense now!

"So is Hiashi coming over to watch them while you're at the doctors?" Naruto looks at Hinata brightly.

The bluenette nods. "Yes, he is." She smiles. "Father adores the twins." Though she knew that he really, really wished they would stop calling him Candydaddy.

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