Chapter 32

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Story Notation: Chapter 33 will be the epilogue. This is not the last chapter. Oh and apologies to any Tobirama Fans in advance.

Chapter 32

The wedding went on for hours and hours. By the time that it was finally over, the Sun was already rising high in the sky. The twins weren't done yet though. They were feeling rather restless.

Well more specifically, Hoshi was. "Come on!" He laughs as he gestures for his brother to follow him. "This is gonna be great!"

Oh boy. Shisui knew his elder brother well enough to realize that phrase meant one thing. Hoshi was going to do something incredibly foolish that while fun in the short-run, was going to be a headache in the long-run.

"Slow down!" He flits off after him. "What crazy idea has gotten into your head this time?!"

There were many benefits of being a twin (or a triplet). One of them was that you were never truly alone. Another was that you had an almost instinctive understanding standing of your twin. Almost psychic really.

Unfortunately, there were also disadvantages. The most problematic of which was that it was very difficult to say no to your twin. It was almost like Hoshi had hit him some Mind Controlling Jutsu or something!

He laughs madly as they continue running across and jumping over roof tops. "You'll see!" Famous last words, Shisui muses to himself as he chases his brother. "This is going to be so awesome!"

Meaning they were both going to get in big trouble. Still, a morbid sense of curiosity had him following his twin. God only knows what Hoshi had come up with this time.

"Right." He rolls his eyes as they finally stop. "What are we doing at the Hokage Mountain?" That didn't make any sense.

That's when he notices that his elder brother had been carrying a bag of tomatoes the whole time. Oh boy. He wasn't sure that he liked where this was going.

"I figured that we'd follow in the footsteps of the Seventh Hokage." He winks at him mischievously. "Just with a more personal touch." Righttt.

This definitely wouldn't end well. Still, it was rather tempting. There was one Hokage in particular, that he wouldn't mind giving a makeover.

Decisions, decisions. "You know that this is a bad idea." It really was a bad idea.

"Yeah." Hoshi nods without any sense of shame. "I know, but come on." Shisui was convinced that his brother was just incapable of feeling embarrassed about well anything.

"Yeah." Hoshi nods. "I know, but it's still going to be fun and he totally deserves it."

Shisui couldn't argue with that. Oh well. They were sixteen. The worst their parents could do at this point was ground them for two years.

"Pass me a tomato." He smiles and Hoshi smirks as he places one in his brother's hand.

Meanwhile Hinata yawns as she is carried off inside the house by Itachi. Ironically enough, he was carrying her Bridal Style. Which was probably what Kami was doing to Miya about now as well.

"Well I don't think they're going to forget their wedding anytime soon." Sasuke chuckles as he follows them inside.

Hinata very much doubted that they would either. Uchiha Weddings were always a grand affair to put it mildly. Though she really hoped that Kami could handle her feistiest daughter.

The bluenette nods though as she snuggles closer to her husband's chest. Well one of her husbands. Hinata was blessed to have two of them.

"That's true." She smiles as Itachi carries her up the stairs and Sasuke follows them.

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