Chapter 25

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Chapter Notation: One could make the argument that Hinata is somewhat OOC here, but I'm of the opinion that even the sweetest person can become quite vicious when someone threatens their children. Momma Grizzlies can be just as ferocious as Angry Papa Bears. For those of you who do decide to read that scene, happy reading.

Chapter 25

A few hours later, Hiashi just shakes his head at his grandchildren. Well most of his grandchildren. Thank goodness, they hadn't been foolish enough to take Hiruzen with them!

"We're in big trouble, aren't we?" Hoshi sighs.

That was an understatement. At the moment, Hiashi was in the Uchiha District and watching his grandchildren. His ridiculously brave and foolish grandchildren.

He honestly didn't know whether to be proud of them or be furious. It was a strange feeling. One emotion or impulse blended almost seamlessly into the other. It would be poetic in a bizarre way, if the little demons hadn't almost given him a heart attack!

He nods in agreement. "That's true." The Hyuga man shakes his head. "You're all in big trouble. Don't you ever do anything that foolish and reckless again or you'll all be grounded until you're old enough to have grandchildren of your own!"

"How is it possible to be grounded and still have children and grandchildren?" Aiya blinks in confusion.

"Yeah, grandfather." Arashi tilts his head in bewilderment as well. "That doesn't make any sense."

Hiashi twitches! These children! They were so technical. As much as he adored his grandchildren with every fiber of his being, eight out of nine of them were Uchihas! And Uchihas had no respect for their elders it seemed!

"It doesn't have to make sense!" He glares at the children.

He knew that he shouldn't glare at them. This was especially the case with Aiya and Arashi. They had been kidnapped. Surprisingly, it was the younger grandchildren who had caused the most mischief.

It was a miracle that they were all alive and according to Aoda, it got worse. He couldn't believe that snake! The Summon was actually trying to come to their defense.

"How many hatchlings do you know that could honestly defeat that many fully grown adults?" Aoda peeks his head cheerfully through a rather large window.

The window had been specially installed for the gigantic snake Summons to peak into. Hiashi supposed in some strange way, it was probably the Uchiha Version of a dog door. They couldn't be normal and just get a Ninja Dog!

Oh no! Sasuke just had to give his children massive pet snakes that were capable of crushing entire villages! Oh and did he mention the hawk that could swoop down from the sky and kill fully grown men, if he wanted with those terrifying talons? That was their "pet" bird?!

He gives the snake a dirty look. "That is not the point!" Honestly, did Aoda not fully understand the amount of danger the "hatchlings" had put themselves in?!

"We're sorry that we scared all of you." Kenji sighs and looks down at his sandals. "But we just wanted to save our big brother and big sister."

Oh no he didn't! Hiashi wasn't going to fall for this! Not the kicked puppy eyes. He was a grandfather and had experience dealing with this tactic!

"Yes and saving your siblings was and is a noble goal." Hiashi sighs. Wonderful. Now he felt like a heel. "But you should have done so by telling me or your parents what was going on. You shouldn't have endangered yourselves like that!"

Miya looks up at him with the Bubble Eyes of Doom. "But a ninja should expect the unexpected!" She smiles at him. "No one would expect children to go after the kidnappers. So we had the element of surprise on our side."

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