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Chapter 12

Maybe another year or two. That's what Sasuke decides what probably be his limit for Aiya's and Arashi's piggyback rides. They were now five and about to start the Academy. Which meant lugging both of them around on his back would have been awkward. So Itachi was carrying Arashi.

It wasn't that the twins were heavy. For ninjas like the Uchiha Brothers they were quite light, it was just a matter of space. Their backs and shoulders were only so big.

"This reminds me of your Entrance Ceremony." Itachi chuckles as he looks around. "You rode on my back in the same way." That was true. Sasuke remembered it like it was yesterday.

Sasuke was still a child. He was riding on Itachi's back towards his Entrance Ceremony. Everyone was looking at them as they passed by.

"Big brother, why is everyone staring at us?" People didn't stare like this at them inside the District.

Well they kinda did for Itachi. He was the Pride of the Clan. Itachi was Gifted and Sasuke tried to stick close to his brother, but this wasn't normal. Sasuke knew that much.

Itachi smiled as he continued walking them towards the Academy. "It's because we're Uchihas and father leads the Military Police Force."

"Oh! One day I'm gonna join, just like you and father!" Sasuke smiled and Itachi chuckled as they headed off to join the others.

There were a lot of other kids there with their parents. His own father couldn't come because of police work, but Itachi had been willing to take him. At the time, it hadn't occurred to Sasuke to ask why his mother wasn't there.

"Welcome everyone!" Iruka's kind voice greeted all the prospective ninjas.

Sasuke was happy because he was with his big brother. That didn't happen too much these days. Itachi was almost always away on some mission or talking with father about something.

Now, he was going to be a real ninja too though! Maybe, father would notice him now and he'd get assigned to do some missions with Itachi! He'd make his family proud!

"Yeah." It was strange how things seemed to move in cycles in the Leaf Village. "It does." Time moved forward and the players changed, but basic patterns rarely deviated. "You alright, Hinata?" He glances back at his wife with a smile.

Hinata was pushing Kenji in a stroller. The triplets were now big enough that they were managing the walk fairly well, but it would have been quite the jaunt for the one year old who was just now starting to master walking (short distances).

She smiles at him. "Yes, I'm fine." Hinata really did have a sweet smile. It was like sunshine.

"It's big brother's and big sister's, big day!" Amaya giggles.

Sasuke smiles. Amaya was probably the most vocal of the triplets. Most likely because she was the eldest. Her vocabulary really did astonish him, sometimes.

He nods at her in confirmation. "Yes, it is." That was most certainly true. Today, Arashi and Aiya would take their first real steps towards becoming ninjas.

Miya apparently wasn't having any trouble keeping up. She was underneath Itachi and constantly trying to jump up at her big brother. For some reason, the middle triplet was the most…well assertive of their children.

The adorable toddler loved wrestling with her older brother. She had yet to win of course, but that didn't stop her from trying. Despite the three age gap, the girl was absolutely fearless.

"Front row!" Nara smiles as she walks next to her mother and Kenji.

Finally, there was Nara. The most content of all their children in his mind. She certainly lived up to her name. No matter how chaotic her siblings got, the youngest of the triplet s would just laugh it off. (Sasuke did envy that trait, really).

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