06. missed me?

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the next morning, nini got herself ready for another day of school with a free mind, not worrying about anything.

her, aria and jacob left the house after breakfast and went on their way to school, arriving not long after before getting out of the car and making their way into the building.

"hey guys!"

they turned around to see elena walking towards them with her books in hand and her backpack over her shoulder.

"hey elena," nini greeted with a small smile

jacob nodded a hello whereas aria did a shy wave before adjusting her books and clearing her throat

"i have to get to my locker," she tells them quietly before rushing away from them.

"is she okay?" elena asks worried

"i have no idea," nini sighs, her eyes following her sister before turning to jacob "do you know what's up with her?"

"why would you think i know?" jacob asks her confused

"well you're twins." nini reminds him

"just because we're twins doesn't mean i can read her mind." jacob chuckles before seeing the others arrive towards them

"hey babe," maya smiles, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"where's ricky?" nini asks them all

"wow, no hello to your best friends?" ashlyn frowns,

nini chuckles and shakes her head "he's always with you guys," she explains to gina and red.

gina shrugs her shoulders "i think he told us about telling you to meet him at your place whatever that means."

"your place? who has their own place in a school?" kourtney questions surprised.

"well i mean, a janitor closet for make out sessions-"

"carlos!" seb scolds, everyone laughing while carlos innocently smiles.

"i'll see you guys at lunch." nini says before adjusting her backpack and making her way to the auditorium.

she walked into the darkened backstage, hearing a light sound of piano chord, her smile widening as she peers around the corner to see ricky sitting and playing.

nini tries to walk closer to him quietly, listening to him playing before her foot gets caught and she falls over, a loud crash surrounding the room as the cymbals follow her fall.

ricky jumped at the sound and looked back to see nini on the floor, groaning in pain.

"neens!" he exclaims, getting up quickly and making his way over to her, helping her up from the floor.

nini brought her hand up to her head when she stood upright, sighing "they really need to put these cymbals somewhere else."

ricky chuckles and shakes his head "you okay?"

"yeah," she nods "what were you playing?"

he gasped in mock offense "you don't remember the first song we wrote together?"

"it sounds like a different version." she points out, the both of them sitting at the piano.

they both played randomly and smiled and laughed together as they just spent a bit of alone time together before nini checked her watch.

"we should go to our first class or we're going to be late," she tells him, standing up.

ricky groaned and played a scale "no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no,no."

nini giggled as he kept a serious face "you're such a baby, come on." she says as she takes ahold of his hand and leads him out of the auditorium.

they both made their way down the hall quickly before ricky stops in realization.

"i have to go to my locker and get my stuff," he tells her, quickly giving her a kiss on the cheek.

nini sighs with a small smile "okay, i'll see you in class,"

he nods before running off in the opposite direction to where nini was going, the girl making her way to her english class that she shared with ricky.

she entered the classroom and took her seat at the back, knowing ricky would take the seat next to her as they always did in the classes they shared together.

the students were piling in through the door and she guessed the teacher was late, so she took out her notebook and opened it, laying it on her desk as she wrote down little lyrics that she always had in mind.

she felt someone sit down next to her, feeling their eyes on the opened page.

knowing it was probably ricky, nini smiled slightly and playfully rolled her eyes as she closed her book and looked up next to her.

but that was when her smile dropped as quick as her heart did to the pit of her stomach, her blood going cold and her throat becoming dry as she opened her mouth in shock, confusion and most of all: fear.

"missed me?"

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