16. agreed

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nini woke up the next day, thankful that it was the weekend as she opened her eyes slowly and the pain from crying all night hitting her like a ton of bricks.

she sat up slowly and took a deep breath, looking out her window cautiously before sighing in relief when not seeing anyone.

getting out of bed, she quickly made her way towards her vanity, checking her face and nodding in satisfaction when seeing that they were clearing up.

she glanced once more out of her window and saw that the car was still here, meaning jacob and aria were too.

nini exhaled deeply and kept her oversized hoodie on, making her way down the stairs, her feet slumping down each step unbothered as she entered the kitchen.

aria and jacob were sitting at the table with plates of food in front of them, one full plate for nini as well as they stopped talking and looked at her worried as they always did.

during the week of her avoiding everyone, aria and jacob tried to talk to her, but she'd either snap at them or walk off before they could continue talking. she'd lock her bedroom door too whenever they tried to come inside her room.

"d-do you want to come with us to laser tag? sarah, tj and ej are coming back for the weekend-"

"i'm fine." nini interrupts, taking a piece of bread before making her way back out of the kitchen and up to her room. she didn't want to breakdown in front of them today and she didn't want to see ricky after yesterday's events.

"okay, what is up with her?" jacob questions

aria takes a deep breath and frowns "we've been trying to talk to her all this week..."

"she's back to the nini who first arrived here. do you-think she's having second thoughts about living with us?" he asks

aria shakes her head straight away "that can't be it, she's been so happy these past few months."

"did you talk to ricky?"

aria nods sadly "yeah, he's determined that she didn't break up with him because she wanted to."

jacob sighs "then what's going on?"

aria shakes her head, saying she didn't know before her phone buzzed, picking it up and smiling slightly.

"what are you smirking at?" jacob asks confused

aria's smile quickly faded and she opened her mouth as she turned her phone off "n-nothing."

jacob raises an eyebrow before nodding slowly and standing up from the kitchen table, aria helping him clear it.

"when are moms coming back again?" aria asks

"next week," jacob replied

aria nodded "so we have a week to figure out what's happening, and if not, we go to moms. agreed?"

jacob nodded "agreed."


nini sat on her bed, feeling her entire body hurt again before she jumped when hearing her phone notifications go off.

she exhaled shakily and took the phone, seeing that it was no one else but noah reminding her to meet him tomorrow morning at the usual spot.

of course she had to reply a simple 'yes' before throwing the phone back on the bed and slowly sitting back down, bringing a pillow into her chest as she hugged it tightly.

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