C H A P T E R 14

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'Invite Haliyah, she says. It'll be fun, she says.'

Sidapa's wicked sick sense of humor would be the cause of either my early end or my premature disability. Getting in between the deities' catfight wasn't advisable for my partly canine lineage so staying at a safe distance was the better choice.

"Stop them, Nadia!" Cora ran to me, seeking help. "Stop them before either one of them gets hurt."

I wanted to assure her but I couldn't outright tell her that I was the temporary on duty in-island healer, who could patch their–no, just Dylan's wounds instantly. Haliyah's skin couldn't even be scratched by Dy; the goddess wasn't in any danger.

"Don't stress," I tried to be optimistic for her sake, "they won't kill each other."


The real and only losing side was the short-tempered beast. It's highly unlikely for Haliyah to use her full power against the dragon in a human body. Besides, Cora's presence would technically be a deterring factor-she couldn't reveal herself to a mortal unless sanctioned.

"They are good friends," shivers ran throughout my whole body as my wolf sensed the deities' lethal auras upon the mention of the phrase: 'good friends'.

Locked in a battle of fingernails and bitch-slaps still, they managed to catch my poor choice of words. I turned to them and shrugged.

'What? Should I tell Cora she was witnessing a centuries-old feud? As handed down through legends out of word of mouth, should I order the woman to bring out the pans and pots then start making noises as loud as she can to distract the dragon?'

Both of them grunted at me before I was forgotten again. Hal has landed a strong backhand on Dy's pretty face.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Dylan wasn't supposed to be here but I knew that it was my fault for missing my scheduled phone call with my folks. The result of my poor time management was the sending of the menopausing dragon to fetch me. The only thing that made it all ok was the thought of Isabel's ugly crying to keep Dy from going.

Geez, I was almost in my mid-twenties but the 'rents weren't toning down on the coddling.

Their fight intensified and it was short-sighted of me to believe they'd hold back. They had too much history to go easy on each other. Haliyah was ready to give the dragon who's gone cray-cray the ass-whooping she deserved. If it'll knock some sense into Dy's head, I was all for it; I was even willing to hold Dy down while Hal's on it.

"Do something!"

Cora was worried but I wondered if it was for Hal or Dy. My money's still on the beast but watching her and Hal together these past few days had me believing that I made the right choice of taking her dream-walking ability away. She's been too scared to sleep so I thought it the best recourse.

I also sealed off the memories of her past lives for the recovery of those events overwhelmed her. Her face was brighter and she's become livelier so I couldn't bring myself to regret tampering with them. It was the only thing I could do for her; however, if Hal's warning was to come true, I might've made things worse.

Putting a cork in the hole of a dam that's about to overflow wouldn't stop the walls from cracking.

I was pulled into her dream when I treated her before so I knew she's the real deal. It was hard knowing the truth with my lips that has been forcefully sealed. Dy needed to recognize the woman she's waited on by herself. Outside help wasn't allowed so there's a limit to how much I could disclose.

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