C H A P T E R 19

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"Hey," Nadia peeked through the open door, "can I come in?"

From the looks of it, she has a lot to say, "sure. Come here."

"So, uh, first things first, about Dy," she sat on the bed with me, "I'm not saying this because I'm her friend, well duh, I am her friend but, I mean, I've known her for most of my life–even my parents know her, she's a good per–she's good. Um, what I'm getting at is that she cares about you. I know you felt that and I am hundred percent sure that more than anyone else, Dylan loves you the most. Give her a chance, please."

"Is that what she sent you here for? To build her up to me?"

"No," she smiled sheepishly, "she'll surely have my pelt for sticking my nosey snout in."

"Then, it'll be wise of you to stop at that and not say more. Let the two of us figure 'us' out." I didn't want to be rude and cut her off but, "I'm sick and Dylan is in a bind. She's with Isabel, remember? It's too complicated for us to be together now."

"I understand your qualms about her. I get your reservations with how she's suddenly decided on you and bent on dropping Isabel like a hot potato," she paused and gave me a tight-lipped smile, "excuse my bluntness, but that woman's not the one for her but you are. You need Dy now more than ever."

"Stop making me hope for the impossible, Nadia. Who's to say that she and I are meant for each other?" I wanted to believe I was because I wanted her for myself. I was desperately in love with someone I shouldn't have. Heavens, help me. Sighing, "I need help, yes, from a doctor and unless, Dylan's one, she's not a–"

"Corazon," she scowled when I pinched her cheeks for having used my full name but continued, "please, listen."

"No, you listen," I stretched her cheeks to a point near tearing, "would you trust someone whose feelings change?"

"Honestly, no, I wouldn't," she spoke with difficulty but when she could no longer take it, she reached for my hands to release her face, "under normal circumstances, I'd send her away with a pitchfork on her ass. But as I said, Dy's different. I trust her with my life and your heart."

I smiled at her and rested my heavy head on her shoulder, "I don't know what to do. I like her so much."

"Then, keep liking her."

"What about the Isabel situation?"

"She is her problem, not yours."

"I wish it's that simple. I have gotten in between them. Them breaking up–" I stopped when I heard her laugh, "what's funny?"

"You between them? Disturbing but hot, I cannot un-think it," she wiped at the tears her laughter brought and I pinched her arm. "Ow, what?"

"Get your head out of the gutter! Can you be serious for a minute?"

"Sorry, sorry. Thinking I might not get to laugh past tonight, I'll take amusing thoughts before I go."


"I can't speak of Dylan's nature so instead, I'm going to tell you something about me and my people."

"Aside from the jokes you sometimes pull, you've never talked much about yourself or your family," I gently nudge her shoulder. "Your people, huh? Tell me."

"It's because I'm afraid if I start talking about them I'll end up telling you everything. I'm very comfortable around you, Cora. Too comfortable that I forget to build my walls," her eyes were tinted with sadness, "and that's very dangerous."

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