C H A P T E R 13

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Discouraging Arrah and Kai from leaving the asylum offered by the Fallen Moon pack, I informed Isabel of my trip to retrieve the rebellious pup. As expected, she didn't take it well.

"We're to marry next week and yet, you want to go and leave? Is that brat more important than me? Why does it have to be you who goes? She's able and not captive or anything, right? Nadia can get herself home. Stop being a glorified babysitter of an adult!" she pushed me away and fled to her room.

The slamming of the door echoed her anger and my headache worsened. These days Isabel always lost her cool and all I could do was give in and understand that maybe the stress of organizing the wedding has made her intolerant of the tiniest deviation from her plans.

Knocking on her door, I called to her but got silence as a reply. Luckily, she didn't lock it. After asking her permission, I entered and found her on the bed sulking. Joining her, I tried to reason.

"You're not going anywhere and that's final! Try leaving and I swear I won't be here when you come back."

Her words triggered the memory of the decrepit burnt hut-of my lover lost and a promise unkept.

I calmed myself with a hug she tolerated whilst mad, "Don't say that, please."

"Don't go."

Through a vision, I convened with Sidapa and Bulan to tell them about the nearing conclusion of the test-I was about to pledge my life with Mayari's reincarnation, but I still have a loose end to tie. Although the timing was off, I had to for Nadia was the last part of my labor. I owe her a debt that I couldn't recompense in this life. The only thing I could do to make up for it was securing her safety until I found a way to make amends.

"It'll take no longer than a day."

I felt her shrink in my arms.

"Why don't you just marry her instead? I can't stand playing second to whatever weird relationship you two share."

Her doubt hurt as much as the prospect of losing her. Centuries dedicated to her and her alone. If that didn't speak volumes of the love I had and depths of my affection, I had no other means to show and let her know.

I made her turn around so she couldn't hide her face. So, she'd know I meant every word, "There is no one else for me but you."

Her face grew ever sullen. I had to do something.

"I wanted to give this as your wedding present but I'll give it to you now," I recalled the gift that didn't reach its intended owner; the orb took form in my fisted hand. Depositing it on her palm, "you may search the world but you'll never find another of its kind and it's only yours. Just as there is no other you for me."

She marveled at it and a smile finally greeted me. "It's beautiful."

Though I agree, I couldn't help but wonder why it lacked its ubiquitous glow.

"Thank you," she then kissed my lips.

Hugging her closer and my mouth pressed at the side of her head, "please wait for me."

I would tie Nadia up and throw her on board if I have to. I won't even have to set foot on land and I would be able to return to my love sooner.

* * *

The ability to transform into a serpent dragon was sorely missed; on my own, I would've flown over or swam through the current in record time. Their island's poor excuse of machinery couldn't take us there quicker than I wanted. How I wished the speed at which Carl had us going steady to our destination was faster than the way it was driving me crazy.

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