C H A P T E R 24

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"You're doing great, Yumi. Use the spoon and fork like this, open your mouth, and," Nadia patiently taught the young woman how to eat using the basic utensils and then, let her eat the rest on her own, with struggle.

Proud at her progress, she patted her head. Mayumi leaned unto the doting hand as a puppy would when that sweet spot under their chin was scratched, enjoying the warm touch.

Nadia wiped bits of food off the woman's chin and grinned, "You'll get the hang of it in no time."

Having had enough of watching them together, Arrah called on her daughter, "We have to talk and if it isn't too much to ask, now."

The finality of the order had Nadia reluctantly on her feet. Pushing her own share of the food towards her mate, she told her, "Eat up, ok? Don't worry, I'll be back."

Arrah was already on her way out when Nadia reached me. Together, we obediently followed after her. Five other men had been added to the previous number of people guarding the entrance. The inside had looked like a home but the outside was the prison it should've been. The weren't slacking off on guarding duty. She may be a mate to one of them but Mayumi was still considered an enemy.

Meters away from the dungeon, we gathered under the canopy of trees and were fanned by cooled air.

Beating Arrah from speaking, Nadia started by apologizing. "I'm sorry, Cora, I had to protect Yumi. It wasn't my intention to hurt you or Dy."

Was I mad at her? Maybe? Yes? Only a hypocrite would deny it. I counted on her, thinking she was on our side-only to betrayed by the twist of fate.

Could I forgive her? I was working my mind and my heart through it. Nadia had to protect her mate.

I knew she had to but that didn't lessen the pain. Understanding where she was coming from was one thing. Accepting how the events of that night turned out was another. I lost. She gained. But, that didn't mean I would begrudge her the happiness I was momentarilly denied of. That would be wrong and downright selfish of me to do so.

I didn't trust my voice not to betray the warring emotions within me so I hugged her instead.

Nadia was a friend but that didn't mean she was under any obligation to choose me all the time.

Just as she had done things that night to apologize for, I had my share too. Dylan asked me to stay inside and I didn't. She begged me to trust her to keep me safe and I faltered. But ultimately, what happened was beyond of our control and it's no use letting it cause a rift between us because I needed someone to blame.

Arrah's voice softened, "You done hugging your issues out?"

"Are we good, Corazon?" Nadia asked.

Weakly pushing her away, I jabbed at her shoulder, "we will be and sooner, if you stop calling me that."

"Got it." For the first time this morning, Nadia genuinely smiled that big goofy grin her jolly old self usually sported. She turned to her mom to work her magic and act all cute to get on her good side. "I'm-"

"Save it. Not gonna work," Arrah crossed her arms, "I want you home, at least for dinner. Do what you want during the day and sure, run out the door after washing the plates to see her. Whatever, but don't write us off when you're just a stone throw away from us. You hear me?"

"Loud and clear," Nadia nodded.

"Come here," she waved her over but before her daughter could embrace her, she had pulled her to her level. Hands holding on Nadia's head, they were locked into a staring battle. "Don't move."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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