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Chapter 5

[Kaminari's POV]

It takes a moment for things to settle in. For my panic to die down. For my worrying to still.

But then I laugh.

Something about that whole situation was almost humorous!

There is no way that my quirk had simply lost control!

For all the time that I've had this quirk, not once had it ever just gone off without me asking it to! It was always easy to control at small voltages! Heck, I could even control it completely at a million volts! That... that must've been a trick of the light or something!

Maybe just a static shock!

I... It is almost impossible for my quirk to suddenly go off like that! I am a student of UA! Using that kind of power is child's play!

Pulling my hands from my hair, I dry the pointless tears, massaging my legs to get the tingling out of them, and standing back on my own feet. I'm so close to being a hero and I am not willing for something as stupid as that mishap to get in my way!

To prove my point, I shock the ground with just over one million volts, my hair frenzying wildly around my head. I don't stop, keeping the shock at a close radius. To assure myself that I had full control. That I was in control.

That what I'd just saw was nothing to worry about.

I stop when my joints began to ache, when my head began to go dizzy. But, at least, my conscience was settled. It was probably just a one time thing!

Aizawa wasn't impressed, as I'd expected, when I walk into class. He frowns when seeing me, demanding a reason for my lateness. Not paying attention to the sore eyes. Or the messy hair sticking out. Or the mud on my knees. Or the slight strain in the sheepish smile I give him. Or the stutters when I tell a white lie.

"S-Sorry, Aizawa! I-I realised that I was wearing the wrong uniform, so I... had to go and iron myself a new one!"

He sighs whilst pinching the bridge of his nose at my excuse, gesturing to the empty seat in front of Kirishima and threatening me to go there before his patience runs out. Everyone was, once again, looking at me, as if I were a spectacle.

Seeing that look of disappointment on Aizawa's face... hurt.

I couldn't bring myself to laugh at it.

It was only then that I had realised... something had changed.

Whatever had broken inside of me had changed me. There wasn't any other logical explanation for it.

I wade to my seat, but not before sparing another glance at Kirishima, watching his loving gaze pay no attention to me, all directed at Bakugo. It hurt to see him not acknowledge me. It hurt even more to realise we won't be the same.


W-Why am I being so negative?!

Our months of friendship won't be broken by some stupid relationship!

Th-This is Kiri! He wouldn't cast me aside so easily!

I have to stay positive! I have to ignore all the problems and follow the sun! Everything is... fine!

I'm fine!

The rest of the day, I continued to ignore Kirishima. It was too easy. He was living in a world of fantasies and possibilities. Dancing around the brightest fire of hope. I wasn't one to extinguish that.

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