Bonus Chapter 1

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Bonus Chapter 1

A couple of hours later...
[No one's POV]

Izuku was at his desk, after finishing a long workout at the gym and getting showered for bed, tearing out a few tear-stained pages from earlier that morning and shredding them before disposing the little pieces into the bin.

It had been over three months and yet still, he hadn't changed a bit. The weight on his chest never grew lighter.

He turns up the music playing through his earbuds, trying to lull himself to a more calm state and take his mind somewhere else. Somewhere outside of his school, to the outstretch of forestland that lay before him. He grips his forearms, rubbing circled with his thumb over their soft skin, and closes his eyes as a soft breeze flutters through the door. His heartrate had slowed a little, as had his breathing, and he opens his eyes again, those viridescent orbs shimmering with a new light. A light that was now determined to start anew.

Just as he was about to pick up his pen and turn to a new page to finish off his maths homework he's disrupted to the sound of his door being hurriedly opened and slammed shut. Loud footsteps and a few quiet sniffles travel across the room, but were only muffled when the glass door to his balcony slams shut.

He pulls out his earbuds, glancing from the shut door of his room to the slightly open door of his balcony, through it revealing a shivering figure with hair that shimmered almost white in the moonlight, with jagged peaks glowing gold from the soft light emitted from the desk lamp.

Concern washes over Izuku when he narrows in on the blushed nose, the bloodshot and puffy eyes and the gnawed, chapped lips. But he knew that face all too well - the one that had caused him three months of pain. Still, he knew Kacchan needed him, and he wasn't planning on leaving him in solitude.

Wiping his palms on his lap, Izuku slips out of his chair and walks over to the glass panel, giving a few gentle knocks before sliding it open, taking a few steps in and closing it behind him. He then locks it.

The two needed privacy.

Katsuki was hurt, skin slick and sickly pale, the imprints of trails from his endless crying marring the soft skin of his cheek. This instantly took Izuku back to their fight at Ground Beta, when he'd remembered Katsuki so vividly being in a similar state, and the need to help him instinctively took over.

"D-Did you talk to him, Kacchan?" he asks, trying to keep his voice smooth and calm, though still managing a stutter.

It was a stupid question. Katsuki's relationship with Eijiro was all that was keeping him upset over the past few days. And, though it hurt to always have the subject of Eijiro being all that they'd recently talked about, Izuku knew Katsuki cares a lot about him. He... loves him.

Katsuki answers with a mere sob, turning around and curling over the balcony, a manoeuvre that Izuku thought was dangerous. He tries to yank Katsuki backwards, but was met with pained whines and broken growls of protest, the larger one refusing to move from that spot. 

"G-GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME DEKU!" He didn't want to feel any more vulnerable that he already was to his rival.

The audible sounds of the blonde breaking hurt the latter and, before Izuku knew it, tears fell from his own emerald eyes.

So he uses One for All, ripping Katsuki from the rail that he'd clutched desperately onto, a sob choked from somewhere in his throat when he hears Katsuki release a piercing, strangled, animalistic scream.

He then forces him into a tight embrace.

Lets him bawl and keep bawling, feeling nails claw at his shoulder blades.

Strokes his back and lets him take out his anger and pain.

His shirt is being soaked with barely-released anguish, and his heart is pounding in his ears, skin burning like a thousand suns.

Love is a dangerous thing. Izuku knows it can hurt like a bitch. And it does - he would know.

"H... H-HE D-D-DOESN'T LO-... LOVE ME!" he's hiccupping and coughing over his own words, the taste of them sour as they roll off his tongue. Izuku could only grip him tighter.

"I'm sorry, Katsuki."

[To be continued...]

Early update for this... Because I'm nice UwU.

Shortest chapter so far...

Be potates!


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