[CHAPTER: 2 PART: 1 (15) Should Have Known]

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We left the attraction and arrived at the Relaxation Room before turning to look at each other again.

Kanna turned to Sara and I with an eager smile. "U-Um! Was I...of use!?" She asked.

"Of course you were!" I picked up her bucket hat to ruffle her hair before placing it back down in place. "You did a good job!" Sara nodded with a smile of her own.

She fixed the bucket with a giggle. "Now...let's split these Clear Chips, okay?"

Sara handed me one Clear Chip and placed the other one gently into Kanna's hand. "Here you go."

"Thank you!" With that, the middle school girl skipped off happily.

I looked over at Sara. "Negotiation time?"

"Negotiation time." She confirmed and lead the way to the lounge.


Upon entering, we noticed Q-taro and Nao standing there.

We walked up to the baseball player first, who greeted us with a bright grin and a thumbs up. "Sara, (F/n), ya got time? Wanna have a chat without tradin' for once?"

"We actually haven't traded all that much ourselves." I confessed. "Hold that thought, alright?"

He nodded. "Fair 'nough. Just lemme know if ya change your mind!"

"We will." Sara agreed before walking over to Nao.

The pink haired girl was playing with her fingers nervously, seemingly on edge. "Guys, if it's okay with you... Could we trade 30 tokens?"

The ginger girl raised an eyebrow at me. "What do you think?"

I hum in thought and mull it over for a second before shrugging. "I say we trade. Might come in handy."

"Thank you very much!" Nao smiled in relief. "Even just for talking to me...!"

Sara tilted her head curiously. "You want to trade that badly?"

Nao nodded timidly and looked down at the ground. "Yes...I've hardly traded with anyone. I've got quite a lot left... I thought...it was about time I start trading these."

"Well, we're pretty much in the same boat so no worries!" I assured her with a small smile.

That seemed to soothe her a small bit. "I'd it's okay with you two...I want you guys to be who I trade with..."

"Really? Why with us?" Sara pried.

The collage student looked at her as if she just asked what 2 + 2 was. "Huh? I mean...there's no one I could feel more safe with than you two."

"You say that like it's the most obvious thing." I remarked. "Why is that??"

She rubbed her wrist and glanced around the room nervously. "If it were Sou or Alice, um...it'd be a little scary..."

That's valid. I don't think she's seen how nice Alice can be.

Suddenly Nao straightened up and gave us a deadly serious look. "But... Why, I wouldn't even be opposed if we traded our own clothes!"

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