[CHAPTER: 1 PART: 2 (4) The Calm Before The Storm]

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My group makes it's way back to the second floor. Once there, Joe cups his mouth and starts shouting. "Naooooo! Where'd you go?" Reko turns to him. "Hey, now that's a shout! Keep searchin' like that!" She encourages him. Joe smirks and imitates a wolf howling sound while shouting in Reko's vicinity. "NaoooOOOOOO!" I giggle at his antics which he seems to appreciate. Reko grunts and covers her ears. "Graaah! Not in my ear, dumbass!! Shout AWAY from me!!" Joe frowns at how badly his joke was taken. "Super sorry..." I step up to Reko. "C'mon now. It was just a joke! We gotta keep our moral high!" I do a goofy grin. Reko cracks a smile.

Mission accomplished!

We walk into the red "Sp" room. "...Looks like it's a spa." Keiji says. I snort. "You've already been here with Sara and I, genius." Keiji shrugs and rubs his neck. "Our enemies offer some pretty good amenities."

Well, duh. It's a freaking spa!

"True that." I say. "Agreed. If there's hot water, we could get enough moisture to live for days." Sara gestures to the spring water as she speaks. "...Is that a fact?" I ask her curiously. Sara smiles and nods. "Well, that is good!" I say in a cheery tone. "...Feels like you two could stay positive while the world's ending." Keiji comments. "We try." I say shyly.

We check the "Ro" room but there wasn't a trace of Nao in sight. We then entered the "Mir" room. "...Two symmetrical rooms, huh... Seems like your kinda puzzle, Sara." Keiji smiles at Sara. "Hey! I realized what it was first!" I get all up in his face and he just chuckles. "Might be...another scary trap, meow..." Gin says. "Better be careful." Keiji advises. Sara taps my shoulder. "I got an idea. Pour the hot water on the ice sculpture." She points to it. "Okay! Didn't think of doing that." I admit before pouring the water onto the ice.

Surprisingly, it melts almost immediately.

As I'm watching the statue melt, Sara walks by me to the scales and changes the spot where the weight is.

There was a sound from another room!

"Let's check it out!" I lead the way and everyone follows. I decide to theck the yellow "Sp" door first since it's the closest. "The spring filled up with water!" I notice. "Let's fill the water bottle again while we have the chance." Sara advises. "Okay. You're the boss." I shrug before following her instructions. "We should check if anything happened in the other rooms." She says. "Lead the way!" I tell her with a smile which she reciprocates before doing as I said.

Nothing happened in the "Ro" room so we checked the red "Sp" room. The spring was empty! "I guess the water went from one room to the other." I sum up before checking the spring itself. There was a bath stopper still in it. "I think we should take it with us." Sara says, all of a sudden next to me which causes me to flinch. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!" She apologizes. "It's no big! Just don't sneak up on me! Especially under these circumstances..." I tell her. She nods. "Got it." I give her a thumbs up. "Okay, cool." I then get down into the empty spring, get the bath stopper and climb back out with Sara's help. I put it in my pocket and we head out.

Back in the "Mir" room, Sara goes to inspect the spray bottle. While she does that, I check out the flowers in the vases. I count up all the flowers and make it so that there's an equal amount of flowers in each vase. "Hey, (F/n). Can you bring me the bath stopper?" I hear Sara ask. She's next to the scale that's not balanced. "Sure!" I run up to Sara and hand it to her. "Thank you." She says before placing the bath stopper on one of the scales.

They're balanced perfectly!

We take a look at the whole room again. "I say we do the paintings now. How about it?" I ask Sara. She shrugs. "Fine by me." I walk up to the left gun painting and jump to try and reach it but can't. "Damnit. My barely 5'4 ass is never gonna reach this... Sara, are you strong enough to lift me?" Before I can even turn around I feel feminine hands around my waist and see Sara's picked me up. I grab the gun painting and she sets me down. "Thanks! Now the other one." We walk up to the other painting and do the same thing. I examine both paintings and see that one of them has the exact same picture on its back!

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