[CHAPTER: 2 PART: 1 (10) Suspicions...]

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[Day 2 Morning]

I wake up and rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Man, I actually feel well rested surprisingly enough...!

I look over at Sara who's still asleep with her arm around me.

She looks peaceful.

I'm glad she was able to get some well deserved rest. Lord only knows if she'd get any without my help.

"Hey, Sara. Wake up." I gently nudge her awake.

"Hmm?" She yawns. "Good morning..."

I smile. "Good morning! How did you sleep?"

She thinks it over for a slight second and her face lights up in realization. "Actually... I feel really good...! Thank you." She smiles genuinely.

"Glad I could be of service!" I take the covers off of me, get up and stretch. "Ready for another day of attractions with a bit of investigating sprinkled in?"

The ginger girl giggled and also stoop up. "As always."

The two of us did our morning routines and I made my bed since the two of us had just thrown the covers off of us.

It's strange how calming this morning is...

It's almost like we aren't stuck in a deadly hostage situation.

Just two girls getting ready for the day after a sleepover.

It's nice.

When we finally got out of our room, we noticed three people in the lounge. Gin, Reko and Keiji. Gin seemed to be in his own little world, just playing with Mew-Chan. Meanwhile, Keiji and Reko were talking off to the side.

"...Yep, I don't know crap." Reko ran a hand through her hair in frustration.

The blond let out a small "Hmm..." as he examined Reko for any signs of unrest.

"Guess he's questioning her about the Mishima AI incident." I state. 

Sara scratches her chin. "Yeah, guess so." She turns to me. "Ready to talk to them?"

I nod. "Yep!"

We do just that as we see Reko shrug at Keiji.

"...Got nothing else to say." She sighs.

He runs a hand through his hair. "Okie-dokie. I'll trust you."

Keiji finally looks in our direction and notices us. "Oh, hey you two. Need something from me?"

"Err... Learned anything?" Sara asks as she plays with her bangs. 

Keiji shakes his head. "Nope, don't know a thing. It's a real pickle. Seems Q-taro and the Receptionist Doll don't know either..." He shrugs and smiles. "I'll keep up the investigation. See ya."

As soon as he turns around a courner, Reko sighs in relief. "Whew... He's gone." She turns to us. "Guys, I've got something for ya. Could you come with me for a sec?" 

"Can't you just tell us what it is?" I ask.

She glances in the direction of one of the hallways before shaking her head. "It'd be better for you to see it. Just trust me on this."

Sara shrugs. "Fair enough, lead the way."

Reko nods and starts walking as Sara and I follow along.

Soon enough we made it to the dark staircase with the green vending machine.

Reko stops at the left wall. "I found something curious here."

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