Chapter 6: The Flight and The Past

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Y/n's POV

It's the second day of the Berkians on our island and everything is going well. We just had breakfast, which was some vegetables and fish for the dragons, and everyone was getting along well.

"We probably have to get back to Berk today, my dad's kinda overprotective since I almost died and he's kinda the chief so he'll probably send a whole search party to find me" Hiccup said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah, that makes sense, don't worry about it." Arjuna brushes off, waving him off as a "Relax" gesture.

"Yeah, er, don't worry, um, about it" I said, disappointed Hiccup- I mean the Berkians had to go so soon.

"Why don't you guys come with us!" Astrid suggests

"Yeah! We always need more female dragon riders!" Ruff adds on

"Yeah! And you're an amazing healer Arjuna! Gothi and you would get along great!" Tuffnut said

"I dunno......." I replied while Dork said, "Are you guys sure, we wouldn't want to be a bother."

To be honest, we wanted to come with them but we weren't sure if they were trustworthy. Sure, we had brought them into our home. Yes, we had showed them our dragons. Yeah, we even unmasked in front of them. But looks can be deceiving, what if they're baiting us?

We had only let them come into our home because we had threaten them and they were scared of us.

"Of course! You wouldn't be a bother at all!" Fishlegs smiles brightly

Arju and I look at each other then back at the Berkians, we quickly analyse them, looking for any lies or signs of distrust.

Over the years, Arjun and I figured out a quick list to see if someone is lying to our faces:

- Changing their hand position frequently

- Avoiding eye contact and their eyes flicking everywhere but our face

- Standing extremely still

- Repeating their phrases and words

- Lack of expression

- Blinking rapidly

- Breathing irregularly

Arjuna and I figured out that if a person is lying to our face they do at least three of these signs. The Berkians aren't giving us any reason not to trust them but just to make sure we throw them an unexpected answer, we say "Sure, that'd be great, we'll stay for a couple days and if we like it, we'll move there."

We look to see if there's any nervousness or discomfort after the idea of moving to Berk but they don't give any discomfort, they even seem to be happier. So Arjuna and I smile, maybe they are true friends.

The Berkians pack everything they brought into their saddle bags and Arjuna and I bring our weapons, extra clothes, pictures, sketchbook and pencils (Arjuna) and books (me). We also bring a couple spices and seasonings, just in case.

"Ready to go?" I ask everyone

I get a chorus of "yeah", "yes," and "Ready"s so we all mount our dragons.

We all take off and D/n go higher than the others, the wind flowing through my hair, I laid on d/n and she gurgled. I close my eyes as the wind was whistling past me and everything was.... peaceful.

"Hey sis." I hear my brother voice say

"Hey, big brother." I reply, opening my eyes

"Are you okay, I know we haven't been at another village since.... them but I think the Berkians are better." Arju says, Zap flying alongside d/n.

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