My Perfect Life

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Hello! Im Mike and I live in Spain, I have 14 years and my life now is perfect, I have a family which I love and friends who support me in the bad and good moments. But to explain my life I need to tell you my story at the begining.

I was in second grade when I first discovered what love mean. For all my life people told me what was love and who I was supposed to love. Here starts the problem. Since second grade I felt by first time what was love, that marvelous feeling that makes us do things we won't do. At first I felt embarassed:

-He's not a girl- I said to me so many times

-I can't love him, people will bully me if they know-

So I hid my love for years trying to convince me tha the only thing i felt was admiration, that i didn' like boys. For the next years I tried to convince me that I liked girls so I started relationships with girls. I knew that this relationships weren't going to work so by the age of 15 I felt with the self-confidence to accept who I was

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