First Day of School

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It's 4th grade like the past years my year purppose is to improve my marks, but this year I also have another purppose, to know me and acept me better. I know yhis year is going to be more difficult but that won't stop me to reach my goal. 

The first day of school. I think we all know how it is a first day of school, you see the friends you hven't seen in all the summer but you also see the bad guys. That guys that would pay for see you in bad mood, to make you cry, in general, to see you in bad situations. School first day is a mix of strong feelings. 

A few days ago I got a crush into another guy so that made me feel really anxious and confused.

- I can't be gay!-I thought- How Im supposed to get good marks and to be socially active while having this questions about myself, questioning always my sexuality and the way  I am.

Coming back to school it's hard but more if you don't feel good, all the bad feelings get stronger and you can get lost. The feeling I have this back to school is axiety and fear. Im scared of being alone, of letting myself to think about how i really I am and to add to my bad feelings the loneliness, the worst feeling in my point of view. 

It's time to get in the school. 

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