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I wandered into the school triying not to think in all the bad things that mean to be alone in the first day of school, all the people was going to laugh at me!

Ok, I know what are you thinking, what a pessimistic boy! Yes I used to be and aI also was in a moment of my life when I was very sensitive.

Continuing with my story, I started to fell more nervous each second, but fortunately I saw my best friend coming to me. I felt so good. When I was with him I used to forget about all my life and my problems, being with him was like a shower of fresh water it used to clear my mind. I didn't need anyone more if he was there. Here starts the problem, Rob was my only friend.

While the morning was passing I started to met my new mates that were going to be be with me that year. My first impression of my new class was fantastic.

-I think this year will be the best year of my life!-I told Rob. How wrong I was...

I spent all the morning meeting all my new mates, they were all really kind but there was someone special. The first time I saw him I didn't think he was out of the ordinary but when he talked to me I knew we were going to be very friends. He was very similar to me, not physically, psicollogicaly. He was super kind and he didn't know anyone of my class except one girl so I tried to make him feel the best I could. I also need to say that he was HANDSOME. Then is when I definitivelly said goodbye to the straight me.

-WHO IS HE!?!- I thought- He is not from this planet!

By the rest of the day I continued talking with him, I think I made Rob feel a little bit jelous, he was used to be always with me. I was very happy to met another person but what I didn't know then what I have done, I had openned the door to hell. I was walking quietly to hell and I didn't know it.

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