An Imposible Love

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How I told you before I was deeply in love with Thomas. Every day passed I was more in love with him. It was very hard to be with someone you love and that you couldn't tell him so much you loved him because the possibility that he could be an homophobe and the possibility to be rejected another time by someone. Like Rob. At that point of my life I started to get myself away from Rob. He was not a fair person and that's why he didn't deserve me. I think Im a very objective person and that I treat everybody the way I would like people to treat me. Rob was really in love with a girl, and that girl and his new friends changed Rob forever. 

By the way, I was completely terrified about Thomas discovering I was gay but I also believed strongly Thomas weren't straight. I started to give him small hints like some looks and some smiles. I didn't dare yet to have physical contact with him so I only smiled and looked him with a deep sight of love. The think I liked most of him were his eyes. He had a pair of black eyes wich made me feel the happiest person in the world when I looked to him.

The way used to look at me was also different. I thought he also was in love with him but I wasn't strong enough to show him my feelings so I suffered. I suffered a lot.

By the time I got more self confidence and I tried to throw him some more evident  hints. When we finished the exams we got like 2 days of rest. We were in the school but we were watching movies. As usually I sat along him, but this time I got more daring, I put my hand on his leg. This may be for you something very usual or common, but in my culture we never do this. A boy doing this to a boy it's like someone yelling he's gay so we never do this.

He noticed my hand but he didn't take it away. I was happy and proud about myself, about that huge step had done. 

In the next charapter I will tell you how I came out to Thomas who, at this point, became the person I have loved more in my live. A person I won't forget never.

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