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^^credit to Missblubb on Deviantart <3
tw; mentioning of  medication, and unhealthy body mentions this chapter will be a little more heavier too so if you aren't comfy with it then don't read if you won't miss out on much to the story <3

I looked down, there he was in all his grace and glory, the blond that I fell for  was finally kneeling down before me. I was shocked, my tear ducts finally healed allowing me to produce tears a slight sting was felt but it didn't matter I had never felt this happy. "Get your ass up here and give your fiancé a kiss," I chuckle pulling him up and placing my arms over his shoulders while slightly smirking  into our blissful kiss.

All I could hear was playful chuckles coming from the smaller boy. He only broke the kiss to place the ring on my slender pale finger, it was a deep jet black with diamond engravings all throughout the ring it was truly stunning. I interlocked my fingers with his.

"Cant believe it took you so long to do that," I spoke out staring at the ring once more. "Sorry, we were kinda held at gunpoint not too long ago and you kinda got shot, so my deepest apologies." He snorted out, while the sun began to set. "I'm still grateful to have you back." He chuckled, "I was nothing without you I really was." He continued on, "yeah, I wish I left the league sooner.It still hurts leaving them sometimes you know?" I spoke feeling nervous for his response.

"I get that, but their bad people. I just want you to be okay, and all I know is their bad news. I mean they literally have villains in their name. Doesn't sound like the most trusting people," he spoke to me lightheartedly. "It's pretty hard to just forget about them when they were my only family for a long time," I spoke defensively. "You don't want to be a villain right?" He spoke staring at me, "no, well it's not that at all-," I began to trail off. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked," he spoke. "No you're fine. I'm still trying to find the answer too. I don't miss doing all the crime I just miss them."

Hawks cleared his throat and spoke, "well changing the subject. I wanted to bring you here to look at the stars, like we did when we were just kids." He spoke while he laid down on the grass. I laid down next to him, he smiled and began to play with my hair. "We really got to redo your hair again." He chuckled while twirling a strand around, "honestly I just want to go back to black. I'm not a huge fan of red." I chuckled out, "pfft. You emo," he chuckled out.

"What can I say? With a fistful of trauma you can't not expect me to not indulge in being a little edgy," I spoke out jokingly. He slightly cringed due to the remark.

The stars weren't going to be out for a while so why not kill some time? I turned to face him, his muscular arms were rested under his head his messy blond hair slightly glowing in the sun, his eyes looked like honey in the sun, man he sure was beautiful and he damn well knew it. A slight smirk grew on his face.

"Man, look at the beautiful world in front of you not a scumbag like me." He chuckled out, "I already am looking at my world." I spoke lacing my fingers with his. He placed his elbows on the ground slightly lifting him off the ground, he turns to me and kisses me. "I love you." "I love you angel."

"You ever think theirs something out there, like aliens or something?" He spoke out, "well there's people who can produce fire out of their hands and people with wings here so I wouldn't be surprised, nothing really surprises me anymore," I laugh out. "Was it fun fighting against good?" Keigo asked out of the blue. "What do you mean bird brain?" I said slightly laughing due to the random question.

"Well you know was it fun kicking pro hero's asses?" He said quite intrigued. "Well I guess. It was nice, the league never really cared how you acted. I guess that's why I liked them so much, they were so go with the flow they didn't care if I was gay or anything like that. I could be myself,"I spoke deep in thought. "Didn't really expect such a deep answer damn," the blond spoke causing me to chuckle.

After many random conversations, we didn't even notice the sky darken and the stars trace the skies. Keigo was nestled up against my chest, his wings slightly ruffled due to the position we were in. "It's such a beautiful sight seeing all the stars," he spoke. He wasn't wrong, it was perfect outside it wasn't too loud besides the occasional cars passing and the wildlife making noises. It was so nice just being next to him, nothing bothering him or me.

"I don't wanna ruin the moment but I want to ask you something," he spoke as a slightly worried expression grew on his face. "Ask away."

―︎Start of tw, read at your own risk―︎
"You haven't been taking your medication recently, haven't  you? Most of them haven't even been opened" he spoke as his head hung low and he had began to avoid eye contact. I could tell he instantly regretted saying itThose words felt like jabs to my heart.

"And so what if I haven't." I spoke dryly

"Toya you need to take it." He spoke sitting up, "No I don't, half of that shit doesn't even work it's just a gazebo." I spoke still laying down turning away from him. "You are sick babe. I want you to get better," he spoke. I jolted up, "to hell with you. I am not sick." "Cmon, that's not what I meant." He said annoyed, "oh I know what you meant." I rolled my eyes, "I'm going home." I spoke standing up dusting the dirt off my clothes. "Babe stop seriously," he said grabbing my shoulder. I moved my shoulder out the way and began to walk home.

When I arrived at our home I went straight into the bathroom and went into the bathroom. I noticed the numerous pill bottles scattered throughout the bathroom sink. I gulped thoughts began to rapidly flow through my head. I licked my lips, "get a hold of yourself Dabi." My eyes slightly widened, I looked to the left of me and saw a blue haired boy outside of the bathroom. "Go away!" I screamed out as I placed my hands over my ears.

"You can't just keep blocking us out. You know that Dabi," he spoke stepping next to me and placing his hand on my shoulder. "Stop. Stop. You're not real!" I looked up at the mirror to see nothing there. A single tear flew down my cheek, followed by another and another. Before I knew it I fell down on the bathroom floor and began to uncontrollably sob. "Now that's no way to treat your family." He spoke to me. "You guys were never my family. You guys are monsters." I spoke to him. "In denial still?" He spoke quite indifferent.

"Stop. Stop. Stop."I repeated. "You can't ever escape us." He spoke to me standing up right in front of me pulling me up.

"There's nothing you can do. You're going to get them killed," He laughed out hysterically. "Shut the fuck up." I spoke as I threw my fist full of rage across his face, while shutting my eyes. As I opened my eyes I saw my Fiancé holding his cheek in utter shock as flowers hit the floor.

I felt my heart completely stop for a moment I can't believe it, I punched him, I made him feel pain. My knees buckled due to shock. I began to uncontrollably sob at his knees "I thought you were Shigaraki." I saw the love of my life, in shock as he placed his hands over his bloodied lip. Keigo began to kneel down to my level, I closed my eyes and expected him to hurt me. I flinched as a felt him on my skin, he was hugging me? "I-it's okay. I shouldn't have said that earlier. But I want you to be okay, that's all I want, I don't want you to live like this in constant fear," he spoke while holding me tighter.

As we broke our embrace, I looked at the pill bottles and back at him. I reached for them, causing my shirt to ride up, causing my arms to be revealed. I never noticed how I let myself go, my skin was as pale as snow having a sick purplish undertone to it, I look sick I look like I'm dying. I was on the verge of becoming sickly underweight, you could see the outline of my ribcage through my t-shirt with ease I felt disgusting that I treated myself this bad.

My wrists were badly bruised to all the medicine and IVS the Hospital had me on, and were growing smaller by the second. My bones poked through my skin, the outline was extremely visible.Keigo grabbed my wrists and placed my hand on his face. "How didn't I notice, I'm so terrible why didn't I help you." He spoke holding my hand tightly against his face.

"We'll get through this together. I want to change not just for you but for me as well." I smile as he let my hand go. I popped the bottles opened and placed them in my mouth and swallowed them. "To new beginnings,"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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