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Dabi pov.

    It was around 4:40 in the morning when I woke up. Hawks was still peacefully asleep I decided I wouldn't wake him up. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked to the bathroom, I stared at the image "the fall of a villain the rise of a hero," I began to notice marks all over my neck and collar bones. I touched all of them and felt happy? He makes me happy, he always has.

    I grabbed my electric toothbrush, I applied some shitty toothpaste on my brush and began brushing. I began to look at my scars plastered all over my body, they were seeming to fade more. Maybe my body is telling me it's a new beginning, I then lazily slipped in my nose and ear piercings.

    I was still in my boxers and nothing else, so I slipped on a red and black flannel. "God I look like i'm stuck in 2005 again," I smirked but it quickly ended. I was supposed to go back to work in about three days to do a check up on Hawks so we still have time to ourselves. I began to walk to the kitchen and grabbed some egg whites from the fridge and then grabbed some toast form the counter.

    I turned on the the eye, "hey baby bird," a deep voice spoke I turned around to see Hawks completely naked, I immediately eyed his lower region. "I can cover up," he giggled his wings slightly covering it up. "I ain't complaining," I smirked turning around and placing a pan on the eye. He walked up behind me placing his arms on my waist, he nuzzled his head into my back even more.

    "The pro hero's are gonna pick us up at 3:00 am tomorrow, their going to be in disguises so make sure not draw any suspicion," Hawks spoke causally. I nodded and began to pour the egg whites into the pan. "You only eat egg whites?" Hawks said giggling, "yeah it's more healthier," I say while placing them on the plate and then placing the toast in the toaster. "Are you always this touchy in the morn'?" I smirked, "you would know you were at my place a lot remember," he giggles while playing with my hair. Hawks then sits down on the couch with his food on his plate.

"Wanna do something today?" Hawks replied while watching Keeping up with the Kardashians. "Did you forget i'm a villain," I snorted out. "We'll just give you a disguise," he speaks out trying to sound smart. "I have scars hun how are we gonna do that," I smirk sitting down next to him resting my head on his shoulder. "Well let's remove the dye out of your hair and put some makeup on over your scars and just style your hair differently and bam you're Touya again!" He says flinging his fork in the air.

"Fine. I'll grab the remover, I do have a lot of hair shit so," I then stood up. Smack! "Did you just slap my ass-," I say in absolute shock. "Yessum, it was just out there I had to," he giggled.

I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom to grab it. Hawks soon follows behind me and pulls on some gloves. ((awww boyfriend helping boyfriend dye his hair so they don't get killed ❤️)) "alright just wing it," I snickered being proud of my pun. He rolls his eyes, and begins to smear it all over my head, "hehehe ginger Dabi ginger Dabi," he repeats while applying more on my head.

I just rolled my eyes watching Hawks in the mirror apply some, my heart began to beat faster. "Hey Hawks?" I say, "call me Keigo," he smiles while trying his best to apply the remover all throughout my hair evenly. "What are we?" I say sounding nervous, he stops. "I mean we were together when we were teenagers, I never slept with anyone else even when everyone thought you died. I knew you were my soulmate and I just thought it would be disrespectful on your grave," he says sounding very serious

"Same here I just didn't want to sound like a simp," I chuckle out while hawks applied a hair cap on my head to let the remover sit on my hair. "I'll proudly admit I simp for my Touya," he giggles while giving me a little kiss on my lips. I smile in the kiss, "so guess it's back to Touya, it feels weird saying it," I say "I-I- I can finally see my family without worry," I smiled hugging Hawks. "Thank you Keigo," I said to him while collapsing on his body. "Baby bird I did this for a reason," he says while his face buried into my chest due to the height difference. ((Fun fact Hawks is fucking 5"4- while Dabi is 5"9))

We just stood there for a while, just in each other's embrace. "What will dad say?" I say growing anxious, "when I went out scouting with him he would always say he blames himself for your "death" he knew he neglected you he didn't realize it until it was too late he just wanted the best for the family name," Hawks pauses then continues. "He said he has a dream every night of his family all together at the dinner table happy and smiling but he's never there," Hawks then finished.

"I-I thought he hated me." I say sounding guilty, "he never did he was just so fixated on Shoto and making an amazing hero," Hawks spoke. "Shit. I have to apologize, we'll all have dinner together happily as a family. You're in our family too okay?" I spoke to him, "I'd be crying my ass off if I could," I laughed trying to brighten the mood. He smirked, "welcome back Touya." "How's Shoto? Is he doing any better?" I ask him, "he's pretty quiet since you've been gone but he's doing much better," he spoke sounding sorrowful. Our  long discussion about family and what's going to happen was soon coming to a holt and  it was now  time to wash out the remover.

Most of it came out, only the tips were still black I was back to having deep red fire-like hair. "Aww look at my little baby bird," he smiles while holding my shoulders. "Now makeup time! Don't worry we'll get it laser removed soon, I'll just force your dad to do it since he's got bank," he laughed out while playing with my hair. "You got any gel?" He asks me sweetly, I nodded and grabbed some from the sink cabinet. He then gelled my hair down, it resembles Shoto's just mine had a little spike to it.

"You have makeup right?" He says to me, "Toga left some at my house a couple months ago it's in my closet," I reply to him. "Alright girlfriend makeup time for real this time," he says in a high pitched voice. I giggled and finally noticed how I felt a lot better? It's weird I know but looking into the mirror knowing that I don't have to hide anymore I could finally reclaim my title as a Todoroki.

Hawks soon came back with the makeup tote. He smeared some foundation on his hand and patted it on the deep red beauty blender and smeared it across my face. "I really hope it doesn't have you know what on it," I spoke to him while watching him apply it all over my face ever so delicately. He laughed out loud when I said that. "Wow their practically fully covered," he says sounding proud of his work he's done.

"Just wear a turtle neck, I'll just put some stickers over your staples there is a event going on in the town for something I don't really remember or care and they do a lot of that cute shit so we're fine." He says while grabbing some Hello Kitty stickers from Toga's makeup bag. I frowned, "Toga," he placed them all over my staples and placed some gloves over my hands, it was cold outside, so it wasn't too suspicious.

I slipped on some long black pants and we decided to go to a restaurant. I held his hand, "do you care if they find out we're together," I said knowing paparazzi would swarm us since I am dating the number two hero. "It's fine honey just keep walkin' we're almost there." He smiles I knew he was up to something but I just couple figure it out.

Eventually we reached the restaurant I could tell it was more higher class, "rented out the whole place," he winked at me and then the staff guided us inside. I thanked them and saw a couple of other people in the restaurant all facing the other way. "He's here!" Hawks says out loudly. They all turn around and it's my family, my jaw drops. "Son?" The older man with red hair spoke out my name his eyes now completely  widened.

                ˏ 𓏧 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓋒 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏲 𓏧 ˎ

    Thank you all so much for reading !! I love you all so much please stay happy and healthy I really appreciate you<3

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