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    I was soon awoken up by the same nurse from yesterday. "Ah~ well aren't you two the cutest," she smiles lovingly at us, "Bird breath wake up," I say emotionless while kicking him off the bed. His eyes jolted open, "rude." He spoke while dusting himself off and sitting down in the rusty metal chair next to the hospital bed, the nurse adverts her attention back to me when she notices Keigo has gotten back up. "Anywho what I was going to say was, we're going to remove the IV from you since your body is strong enough to stabilize itself, i'll leave you guys alone after this." She spoke while placing her hands inside the purple spandex gloves, causing them to slightly squeak.

    I was never too keen on needles I can kill people but needles man. Their just a different story, I looked away from her taking out the needle, my body slightly cringed at the thought of it coming out of my skin. She then placed a gauze over it and wrapped it around my elbow while slightly applying pressure, "and that's all! If you need any help using the restroom please just give us a buzz!" She spoke kindly while walking out the door.

    I look over to the seat across from me, dad was gone. "Where's dad?" I spoke staring at Keigo's wings, "he was called out for a mission nothing serious but he won't be able to visit us for a couple hours, he's bringing the kiddos over  too when he gets home," he spoke to me while twirling my red hair. I smiled when he told me that.

    Keigo leaned in to give me a hug and deeply inhaled. "Ugh you smell like hot ass.." he replies while lifting me up, I frowned and smelled myself he was right, I did smell pretty damn bad. "Let's get you into the bathroom," he spoke while lifting me up. I groaned out in pain due to the medication slowly wearing off.

    "I'm sorry i'll try to be more careful." He spoke while covering me with his wings, I then noticed the wicked gash in his bright red wings. I felt around it, his feathers ruffled up and felt slightly hard, there was a dried red substance  around the middle of the wing. I then placed my finger around it and began to rub it, he slightly flinched when I touched it. "I'm sorry, she got you damn good." I spoke out still touching it, "maybe you should kiss it," he smirked while entering the restroom. I smirked and placed a tiny kissed in the mark and his face lit up like a little child in a candy store.

     His feathers flickered up, he usually does this when he's turned on. "Ah~ I see why you wanted this," I laugh while slightly dragging my tongue across his wings while slightly tugging on them. A low noise came out of the smaller boy. Keigo's back was now pressed against the sink counter, I still began to glide my tongue across the edge of his wings. I occasionally got a fuzz in my mouth but it didn't bother me and it made me glad I was pleasuring him that's all I wanted was to make him happy.

I slid my hand under his skin tight shirt slightly caressing his perfect build. I bent down and whispered into his ear, "ah~ pretty boy wanna moan for me. How cute," I spoke slowly while my teeth sank into his earlobe, "even when you literally just got shot you're still the dominant one." He laughed out slightly breaking the mood, "no silly talk." I reply blunt, "now on your knees. Now." I demanded slightly pushing his shoulders downward.

"Yes sir," he replied while he dropped to the floor and his knees resting on the cold tile floor. "What about the shower?" He moaned out, "it can wait." I reply while slightly playing with his hair. "You know what to do~ give me some extra medicine," I chuckle out while a smirk appeared on my face. "Oh well I don't think I do," Keigo spoke out while slightly whining. I then extended my arm out and gripped his neck, his veins pumping quick and protruded out his moans became sharp due to the sudden restriction. "Now listen. Be a good boy and suck this cock like a good little slut you are." (Bye I am horny enough for this) "y-yes," he moans out while my grip tightened. "Yes what?" I say smirking watching him stare up at me with doe eyes, "daddy~." He replies while moaning out I then began to untie the hospital gown. (OMG I FORGET HE WAS IN A GOD DAMN GOWN THIS IS SO NOT HOT)

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