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*violence warning*

"He's not moving?" I tried to shake it off he's probably just trying to play it off as some badass. I stopped running when I was right in front of him, he stood with an expressionless face, just standing in front of me. "FUCKING MOVE! DO SOMETHING!" I scream at him while grabbing his shoulders, a now menacing smile carved on his face. "You're a fucking monster." I spat out while charging my left hand to hook him hard in the face.

As my fist met with his cheek it felt like sludge? Twice began to twirl around like a ballerina all around me while giggling. "Silly! I, Twice have cloned him!" He says like a mad man. "What the-," I was then caught off by a knee to my back, "mmh," I whimper out. I bent over and began to cough profusely, he placed his shoe on my back and pushed me to the ground his hand resting on my head pushing it down. He then bent down and began to whisper into my ears.

"Ah isn't it funny now,you're so cocky. Thinking your so confident in killing me, honestly it's kinda hot no wonder Dabi wants you I mean he is risking his life to be with you, but he's going to get a lot of loved ones killed in the process." He giggles while licking his heavily damaged lips.

I huff out due to the restrictions, "ah~ going to say something?" He spoke while pushing his boot further in my back, "p- ah! Please don't-*huff* hurt him," I say struggling. "Well you see when someone betrays you, you get mad right, like if someone stabs you, and they then apologize you still get mad because your fucking bleeding out right?" I stayed silent, "RIGHT!" he screamed in my ears causing slight ringing in my ears, I nodded. "No I wanna hear you say it." He says while gripping my hair and jerking my head up from the ground causing me to groan out in agony.

I look over to see the Todoroki family looking in horror, two Twice's holding back Toya while he was screaming out for me, and another Twice, Toga, and Mr. Compress holding back Endeavor. I knew the others were just kids so they just stood in horror watching me struggle. I blocked out the Todoroki family I didn't mean to, hearing Toya scream just pains me, it just reminds me of that night. The night where Toya "died" and the birth of Dabi.

Tears in my eyes began to form, I wasn't crying due to the pain but watching the only people I love in pain. I honestly never cared if I died, I never did until now I found a purpose. To fall in love, to strive to become a better person I am Keigo Takami, I am not Hawks I am me. I'm not a hero, I am all I am and that is just me, Keigo. "Well chapstick let's dance," I spoke while kicking him in the thigh causing him to be off guard and me being able to be back on my feet.

"I will not give in." I spoke, "definitely not to a pathetic bastard like you," I spat out. His eyebrows rose to the top of his head, "cute." He chuckles out, I began to bawl up my fist and then threw a gruesome hit causing him moan out in pain. I could see his comrades stare at me from the corner of my eyes, the crowd of people were now gone. Some type of society we live in.

You could see how his comrades didn't know if they should but in or not, "no don't help me, I wanna take him on." He snarls out while motioning them to get back, who does he think he is the main character, even when I have him down on the ground he's still trying to act cool, what a bum.

He was down on the ground off guard so I began to stomp on his chest. "Rargh! F-fuck!" He screams out blood began to trickle out of his mouth. Slight whimpers began to protrude out of the man on the ground. A sense of guilt began to flood throughout me, I was a dumbass too when I was young, maybe he's just misunderstood. I picked him up by the collar and spoke, "I used to be like you kid you don't have to go down this path you still have time."

"YOU DON'T KNOW ME. NO ONE DOES," He screams out tears beginning to storm in his eyes, "yikes must've hit a nerve," "it's okay we can just talk I know something must've happened to you I just wanna help." I say calmly letting him go. "No ones ever wanted to help me, I'm- just shut up." He spoke, "please." I said changing thought. "Don't listen to him boss," Toga spoke walking towards us, Mr. Compress following behind her.

...𝙄 𝙖𝙞𝙣'𝙩 𝙣𝙤 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡//𝙙𝙖𝙗𝙞 𝙭 𝙝𝙖𝙬𝙠𝙨₁₈₊Where stories live. Discover now