Mydnight Symphony Ch. 10 Jasmyn's Hand

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Chapter 10

When Jasmyn came to, she was back in her dark, musty, cell, and an eyeball was waiting for her. She jumped at its sight, but then realized her fear was nothing. The eyeball made direct eye contact with Jasmyn, disintegrated, and Dara's hologram appeared.

"We will be reaching the High Queen's Majesty in a little over an hour." Dara said.

"What did they do to me?" Jasmyn shrieked. A throbbing pain pounded in her head.

"They wanted to test if you're really human, not just an alien mimicking one."

"Why would I be that?!" Jasmyn snarled.

"I don't know." Dara said. "The Council of the Regencies do think it's suspicious that you are the lone survivor of Earth."

Tears began to fall from Jasmyn's eyes. It wasn't fair. I should have just ended it in the fire, when I had the chance. She reached up to wipe the tears, and emitted a scream so bloodcurdling the hologram of Dara pixelated, and disappeared from view for a few seconds.

"What was that ?!" Dara gasped.

"What the hell did they do to my hand?!" Her voice was quavering with fury, her tears splashed loudly on the floor. Jasmyn's right hand was missing, along with all the rings John had given her. Its replacement was a heavy, titanium, robotic hand. Because the Illinghai scientists had attached the nerves from Jasmyn's wrists to the artificial nerves inside the robot hand, she didn't notice the switch. But that also meant Jasmyn could fell pain in her new hand. Finding out the hard way by smacking her hand on the ground, she cursed the Illinghai's, and completely ripped off the handcuffs attaching her to the bar cells.

Her new found power amazed her, and the levels of her fury decreased.

She looked up at Dara, down at her robot hand, and back up at Dara. "what they do with my real hand, though?" She asked softly.

"They're probably studying it." Dara said. "I don't know if you'll get it back though."

Footsteps echoed in the hallway, and Dara's eyeball transmitter burst into flames.

Chevron ran into the cell room. He tripped, and tumbled quite a few feet before sprawling on the floor, totally confused about what just happened.

Jasmyn laughed, her spirits lifting. Chevron started walking towards her, and walked in to the wall.

"Did you lose your sense of sight, too?" Jasmyn joked.

"Very funny." Chevron snapped. "Now, we have to get out of here. Hey! What do you think you're doing, ripping the handcuffs off? The Q-Ship just docked into the Mothership. Mercy have you, Jasmyn."

"The Mothership? Like the High Queen Majesty? Dara said we wouldn't be docking for another hour- "

Too late Jasmyn realized her mistake. Her hands flew to her mouth. Please, don't realize what I just said! She plead insanely in her mind.

"Well Jasmyn," Chevron said. "Dara was 45 minutes incorrect. Wait a minute!"

Jasmyn gulped. I'm so sorry, Dara. "Yeah?"

"What happened to your hand?!"

Jasmyn breathed a deep sigh of relief. She followed him back onto the platforms, thankful for the fact they were getting off the Division of Paragod, and conversation between them was minimal. When they got to the second floor, the docking station, the platforms in the open space were dangerous overcrowded. People were falling off the platforms constantly, returning unscathed from the first floor, but looking agitated that they had lost their place on the platform. By now, everyone had learned Jasmyn wasn't Regime or part of the Regency, and the platform she and Chevron stood on was completely empty, except for themselves. However so, Jasmyn clung on to Chevron for dear life. People around her shot her menacing stares.

Suddenly, the ship became extremely dark. It slammed against a heavy object, and disoriented, Jasmyn stepped backwards. Her foot scraped against the edge of the platform, and slipped over the side. She screamed, but Chevron quickly grabbed her hand, and dragged her back to the center of the platform.

He leaned in close, and his voice seemed to fill her entire head. "We're here."

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