Mydnight Symphony Ch. 22 The Final Decision

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The room was spinning on its side.  

"Jasmyn?" Celeste said, gently nudging her.  

Everything that had happened that day flew over Jasmyn's head, but this she couldn't believe. She was laying on the floor in the Garage. Her head was pounding, and hurt.

"Give her another anti-sineutox." Someone said.

"No." Another voice demanded. "She's waking up."

"How are you my mother?" Jasmyn asked, sitting up, the blood rushing to her head. "Is Gordon my father?"

"It's a long story," Celeste said. "Are you prepared for it?"

"It doesn't matter whether she's prepared for it." Alaiza said. "We have to leave soon, and you're going to have to go back to the base."

"Jasmyn, you're not human. Well, you're 50% human, you're 50% Category. Gordon's your stepfather."

"I knew she wasn't human." Alaiza said.

"If Jasmyn's not human, why did the Illinghai's let her go?" Dara asked.

"For two reasons," Celeste continued. "She's half human, so she has human qualities. Second, since she's part Category, and the Regency and the Category are enemies, the Regency didn't want anything to do with the Category."

Jasmyn touched her wrist, where the implanted wire was. "Was I immortal the whole time?"

Celeste nodded. "That's why you survived the Apocalypse. Fate had nothing to do with it."

Jasmyn looked at Celeste who looked so similar to her. "I don't understand. Why was I born on Earth? Who is my real father?"

"David Miller. I convinced him to leave shortly after you were born to protect you. I didn't want him to tell you the truth about your family. David ended up marrying Trisha McKay, and then took off when you turned two years old, leaving you with Trisha. Trisha fell in love with you, and took care of you and Cecelia, David's abandoned niece.

"You met Jared soon after that. Jared was another half-Category half-human child. He was Gordon's son."

"Why didn't anyone tell me this?" Jasmyn asked. She was astounded. She couldn't believe it. Her head was spinning. "Cecelia really isn't my sister? She was my cousin?"

"Nobody wanted you to know. Everyone figured you were too dangerous. Trisha, she didn't disown you because of what happened with Jared. She disowned you because she found out the truth, and couldn't accept you for who you were. You were far too dangerous."

Jasmyn closed her eyes. "Is this why the Regency and the Category are such major enemies?"

"Yes." Celeste said. "You see, Gordon and I were never married. 4 Salletian years ago, we were to be wed. But Alissindy stole Gordon, had a chip implanted in his brain, issuing that he could never leave the Regency or he would explode. I never forgave her. Four Salletian years is a long time to wait."

Jasmyn looked at her friends. "Did you guys know I wasn't human?"

"Our biggest clue was that you understood and spoke perfect Navoux." Chevron said.

"But I was speaking English! English and Navoux are the same!"

"No." Dara said. "There's several differences. Most humans speak English with a human accent. You spoke it with a Navoux dialect. A perfect dialect. You understood several things we said even when we weren't speaking the English form of Navoux. Even John couldn't do that."

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