Mydnight Symphony Ch. 20 Nacii

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Chapter Twenty

The six members of the Regency stood, facing the two Category guards. The older, overweight guard, snored loudly in his chair.

"Comrade XA," The younger guard said to Levi, "You know the rules. Only two guards per roof."

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," Jasmyn interrupted.

The guard looked at her strangely. "Guard-in-trainees, I believe? Drek Maxwell, Comrade A. Besides me is the Chief Superior of Comrades, the chief of the Category Security System."

"Yes, we've met before," Jasmyn lied. "At the training meeting." She looked at the snoring, drooling, man.

"We've got a great security leader." Alaiza said sarcastically.

Drek Maxwell didn't notice Alaiza's sarcasm, and looked around the group. "Well, a simple error like the one all of you made can be hazardous to the Category Force. I must report all of you, Comrades XA - XF. I do not believe you all a ready for the responsibilities of a-"

Levi had freaked out when Drek Maxwell said, "report you." Before anyone could do anything, he withdrew his Tesla, and blasted it at Drek Maxwell. The electric current did more than miss him, it blasted past him, and bounced weakly off of the Chief Comrade's oversized gut. The chief awoke with a start, grunted, and fell back asleep.

Everyone froze in fear. Drek Maxwell's electric blue eyes turned a fiery red.

"You traitor!" He shouted at Levi, and rushed at him. His hands disappeared, and turned into a fiery ball of flames. "You-!"

Jasmyn had raised her arms over head to protect Levi from Drek Maxwell. He paused, gaping at the outline of the metal wire implanted in Jasmyn's skin, which was showing through her suit. His hands returned to normal, and he traced the metal wire up to the metal box in her wrist. His eyes turned black, and he glared furiously at the group.

"Regency." He spat, disgustedly. Everyone looked at each other in fear. Levi rose his Tesla again, but Drek Maxwell smacked it out of his hands. He glared at Jasmyn with a mixture of fury and hatred. He turned to the side, and promptly and furiously yelled, "Arrest them!"

They couldn't escape. Guards popped up out of nowhere from the smog, the other buildings, and even from behind them. They were surrounded. Jasmyn dropped her Tesla, and put her hands in the air.

Less than two hours later, Jasmyn found herself in a jail cell with Dara and Alaiza, plus an extremely hideous fire beast, and a Medusa look alike with snakes for hair. Medusa was sitting by herself in the corner, looking out the small jail window at the fiery black sky. She wouldn't talk to anyone, after overhearing Alaiza say, "If we look at her, will we turn to stone?"

Jasmyn sat on the floor, in front of the jail cell door. She heard Dara and Alaiza quietly talking to themselves.

"Do you think she's all right?"

"I don't know. Want to go talk to her?"

"We should probably leave her alone. She got us into this mess, didn't she?"

"We were so close, Alaiza."

"God, I wish we had gotten farther. And actually, if she wasn't here, neither would we."


"I'm serious Dara. I mean, I love the girl and all, but John could stay in Levi's body forever. I wouldn't mind. I don't want to be executed."

"Um, neither do I, Alaiza. But we can't blame the whole thing on Jasmyn."

"Why not? She wanted us to go to the Category!"

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