Mydnight Symphony Ch. 12 An Interesting Morning

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Chapter Twelve

Jasmyn woke up the next morning to the sound of knocking at her front door. She stumbled out of bed, lazily checked herself in the mirror, and the knocking got louder.

"I'm coming!" She snapped, walking to the front door. Levi was the last person she expected to be standing outside on her patio.

He walked in before Jasmyn could even say anything.

"Good morning to you, too," she said sarcastically.

"Sorry," he said, promptly throwing himself onto the couch. He was a mess. His clothes were a mess, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked as if he didn't brush his hair in two weeks.

"Would you like some coffee?" Jasmyn asked, immediately feeling bad for him.

"No. I mean, I don't know what that is, so no. Listen, Jasmyn, I came here to apologize."

"For shooting me and Dominicus? How is he by the way?"

He laughed shyly. "He recovered well. I kind of wanted to explain what that was all about." He suddenly gazed deep into her eyes, and removed a strand of hair from her face.

"What are you doing?" Jasmyn asked, taken aback.

"Nothing." He said quickly. He fell into a trance like state again. "You just look really familiar." Jasmyn started to say something, but Levi cut her off. "Back on Earth, I wasn't expecting to see you. There was just something about you, and I didn't know what. But it filled me with dread, and I panicked."

"Do you know what it was?"

He touched her face. "Your beauty... it is intimidating."

Jasmyn gently removed his hand without saying anything.

Levi continued on talking like nothing had happened. "The same thing with Earth, the planet I mean. I was the sole reason the division of Paragod stopped at your planet. There was something about it that haunted me. I wanted to stop there." He sat up and looked at Jasmyn. "What am I to you? When someone says Levi Prescott, what do you think?"

Jasmyn looked at him strangely. "I'm not sure? You're a soldier, who's looking to rehabilitate his planet. You're the son and heir to the title Lord of the Q-Division-"                

"Stop there." He said. "That's where you're wrong. Well technically you're right..." He trailed off, but continued speaking. "I was not a soldier by choice, unlike Alaiza and the rest of them. I was dishonored by my family, and I am now an outcast of this world. I made a few stupid mistakes years ago, and now I'm nothing. I'm marrying Alaiza to get back my position in society. The wedding is in two days. If I do not marry her, I will be forced to wander the galaxy, searching for stupid planets, while everyone else is off fighting aimlessly in wars."

"What exactly did you do?" Jasmyn asked.

He looked disconcerted as he looked at the floor. "It was Chevron and me. We were best friends. I was dating Dara at the time, and everything was going perfectly in my direction. But then Chevron and I weren't the greatest people alive. Our actions cost me my position and Chevron his head. We were troublemakers to say, but we never did anything to cause trouble. We were rebels, and most people know about my extremely short temper. My father made me so mad sometimes..." He pounded his fist on the table next to the couch. "My father and Alissindy. As you probably already know, the High Queen is a very unfair ruler, and Chevron and I weren't going to suffer in her tyranny. We tried to teach them a lesson.

"We screwed with the mechanics in the Majesty, and altered the magnetic field which keeps all the Q-Ships in line with the Mothership. However, everything went horribly wrong. The controls went dead. We entered an asteroid field instead of veering around it, and the magnetic field completely died.

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