Mydnight Symphony Ch. 3 John's Mystery

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Chapter Three

It was light. Fog cleared, and a very bright light illuminated the intense whiteness of the place. A young man, maybe mid thirties, slowly walked towards where Jasmyn lay, shielding her eyes from the brightness. His figure was distorted. Jasmyn blinked. He was gone. Vanished, without a trace. Confused, she blinked again. He appeared, much closer than before. As he walked even closer, Jasmyn was able to detail the distorted outline of his body. He was tall, and muscular, and was obviously of some powerful authority. His hair was so blond, it was nearly white, cut right before his eyes. Who did he remind her of?

He walked until he was right in front of Jasmyn. She looked up at him, and he bent down. She stared into his electric blue eyes. He held out a hand for her. "Come, Erica."

Jasmyn took his hand, and stared at the man, feeling several different emotions. She knew this man from somewhere, yet she didn't know him from anywhere. He was trustworthy, however had a subtle hint of a dangerous aura. Suddenly, a name popped into her head. "Levi?"

He laughed, a rich, understanding laugh. "No, my dear Erica. You do not remember me?"

Jasmyn stared at him in amazement. She knew who this man was, why couldn't she put a name to his beautiful smile? "Uh.." She stuttered.

He laughed again, and smiled, his teeth whiter than the surroundings. "Of course you don't remember, Erica, it's been a while. Seven years to be exact. Why, you look as young as when I first met you!"

Jasmyn stared at the man, dumbfounded.

He did not laugh, and instead, spoke with a hint of annoyance. "Erica, it's me, John."

Memories flooded through Jasmyn's head. John! Jasmyn looked at the man, how could she forget him? John Pierce. He had worked in Jasmyn's division, and he only knew her by her fake identity, Erica Del Woodsley. John had strong feelings for Jasmyn, his passion for her was overwhelming. However, Jasmyn had forbade herself to get close to anyone, especially after what happened with Jared. Her horrible encounter was one of the reasons she had a fake ID with the alias Erica. Jared had caused her to lose her best friend, her social life, any potential jobs, and even respect from her family.

Jasmyn and Jared were both technically on the run from the law. And what better place to hide from the law then to basically hide right under its nose?

Jasmyn didn't know how she had evaded prison for this long working as a federal agent. The newspapers had reported Jasmyn Miller dead, after she had faked her own death. How? She dressed her recently passed sister Cecelia in her clothes, put her wallet in Cecelia's pants, and pushed her off the balcony of their 15th story apartment. Cecelia had died that morning when she fell down the stairs of their apartment and broke her neck. She was twenty-one years old. But that was ten years ago, in 2003. Then eighteen-year old Jasmyn began her life as twenty-eight year old Erica Del Woodsley.

Martin Quayle was the only person who seemed to be able to help Jasmyn. He was a North Carolinian fugitive who had fled to New Mexico, and spent a living as a hacker, and creating fake identities for people. He even had gained access to police records, being the computer genius that he was. He made fake background checks for people. He had made Jasmyn's (or shall we say Erica's) record squeaky clean. Jasmyn had paid $10,000 for this procedure. However, in a very risky move, Martin somehow scammed the government into sending Jasmyn $50,000 a month. It was enough money to get a tattoo and plastic surgery.

Jasmyn had met John right after she had gotten the job as a fed. He was a handsome man, though about Erica's age, and not Jasmyn's.  Jasmyn hated lying to John. She felt as if he was someone she could trust. Be she couldn't tell her secret to anyone, making it even harder to keep. She knew she would eventually slip, and completely devastate her life. The last thing she needed was to be found out by the real agency, and arrested for several felonies, especially after what she had been through. As far as she knew, using a fake identification to become a federal agent was definitely a felony.

Two years after she had become a federal agent, she learned of John's love for her. John was of a higher ranking than Jasmyn, which meant he was strictly off-limits. He was charming, he was handsome, and he was serious about his job. And the desire that Jasmyn felt for him grew stronger each day. She completely blew of her pact of "no men" when she first slept with John, completely breaking about every decree of the governmental rules of the federal agency.

They had been caught. An agent, envious of John's rank, had spied, and had released the information to their superior, who told the Chief of Defense. Jasmyn had been demoted, John had been sent on a top secret mission. A mission from which he would never return. Jasmyn never learned the mission on which John had been sent on, she'd only been told that the government wouldn't let any agents of low rankings in on any top secret missions.

Jasmyn never even learned the cause of John's death.

Actually, nobody had. They had found his body lying face down in the desert. She didn't go to his funeral. She was thinking about leaving the federal agency. Her one love was dead. But again, Jasmyn hadn't made it this far to go home. There was work to be done.


Jasmyn looked at John in ridicule. "I don't understand. You're, y-you're dead!"

He laughed again. "You miss me Erica. 100 volts of electricity really screws with your brain."

Jasmyn's eyes went wide, and filled with tears. "So t-this isn't real, John?!"

He smiled. "Of course not, love. You can't bring me back to life. When you are finally neutral to the upset in electric charge in your body, you will regain consciousness."

"John, how did you die?"

John laughed again. "You can't possibly expect me to answer that, can you?"

Jasmyn frowned. "Actually, I was kinda hoping -"

John cut her off impatiently. "Erica, I can't tell you what you don't already know. You don't understand, I'm not really here, this is all your mind."   

Tears began to flood Jasmyn's eyes. She got up off the ground, and stared at John, deeply into his effervescent blue eyes. She suddenly grabbed both of his shoulders with her hands.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too, Erica." John said back. He leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped him.

"Call me 'Jasmyn'".

He smiled. "I love you, Jasmyn."

She closed her eyes, gently parted her lips, and leaned in again. Ever so tenderly, she pressed her lips to John's. Right as their lips made contact, John rapidly began to fade. Jasmyn fell right through his transparent body. The whiteness was gone. Jasmyn closed her eyes again. Opened them. She was back where she started, alone again, on a desolate planet. She was still in the desert, behind the boulder where Levi had shot her. She wanted to cry. Tears refused to fall from her eyes.

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