17: Investigation! (also cured!) 🙈

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TW! Mentions of suicide and hanging (it's sdr2 chapter 3 what did you expect...)

Gundam Tanaka POV

So... The princess and the Musical girl were killed. Truly this brings me great sorrow.

But I, the great Gundam Tanaka won't be stopped that easily, as I walk back from the music venue after hearing the body discovery announcement.

I was tasked with bringing everyone else to the music venue so that is what I shall do.

~timeskip to him doing that~

Last I have to check Is the hospital, just in case any of the sickly have awoken, I thought as I trekked to the medical building.

I entered the hospital, surprised to see Akane and Nagito standing up, not looking sickly at all.

"Hey Gundam! Do you know what's going on? Last I remember I was in the Restaurant then I kinda just... Blacked out! Weird right?" Akane said, informing me that while under the disease people don't remember anything during it.

"I had a similar issue! Though thankfully I feel fine. Where is everyone?" Nagito asked, curious

"A-ah well... A murder happened while you were unconscious via a disease. Go to the music venue for more info." I said, not wanting to hide it from them anymore

"W-what?! Shit... Cmon nagito!" Akane yelled as she began dragging nagito to the music venue. Literally.

But one thing was on my mind, Where's Mura? Why has she not recovered?

So I entered the room of the ill to check on her only to see her asleep as she was previously.

"Damnit. Why did she have to be under the disease for longer then the rest?!" I accidentally said out loud as I left the room,

Deciding to go investigate, I went back to the music venue. Hopefully, I can at least help with investigating...

Once I went to the music venue I was greeted with an odd sight...

"C-chiaki can you stop eating random things you find off the wall?" Hajime said as he scolded chiaki

"But hajime this is vital to the case. I think. This is glue of some kind. Very important!" Chiaki scolded back

I just decided to walk past them, let them be weird, and investigate somewhere else, I decided to look at the closet, finding a mirror and not much Else of interest.

I looked around for a little while longer, only to notice the temperature was insanely high... Which is definitely odd

"Did any of you mortals turn up the thermostat? Or was it always this hot?" I asked everyone else, and got a bunch of murmurs of "I don't know" Back in response, telling me that it was turned up for the crime scene

But sadly I Couldn't get much investigating done because monokuma had begun an announcement on a television

"Upupupu! I'm tired of waiting you geeks! Get to monokuma rock now!" Monokuma said as the television flashed off

Kazuichi Soda X Gundam Tanaka X OC 【Shsl Ninja】Where stories live. Discover now