3: A.. Surprise? 🎉

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Who could have known how wrong this introduction could have gone..

"Ah hello I'm Mura Kaiyō Ultimate ninja. I assume you are the Ultimate cook?" I ask the short man, expecting a nod only to be treated by shock

"H-HUH?! N-no.. Well yes.. I am the ultimate cook.. but I prefer ultimate chef! Doesnt it just give off the chill vibe? Anyways I'm Teruteru Hanamura! I assume you.. are the ultimate poison remover?" He says the last question directed at sonia

"I- uh. Pardon?" You say, as sonia decided to introduce herself

"And I'm sonia nevermind! May I ask why you think I'm the ultimate poison remover?" She asks him naively as you also await an answer.

Being raised in a household that consisted of "wake up. Train. Breakfast. Train. Train. Train. Sleep." And the fact you were homeschooled to avoid friends, sort of made you sheltered to pervs like teru.

"Ah well.. because my groin is full of poison!" He says faking shock. You could tell he was faking the fear but you couldnt tell the motive of it.

"Ah on no your groin?! What can I do to help?!" Sonia asks in worry, you nod in response, wondering what teru's plan was.

"Yes.. sadly my groin is filled to the BRIM with poison.. I need both of you to help me.. please suck the poison out of my groin!" Teru says confidently.

But as he says the last part 2 people walk up the stairs. The ahoge boy who passed out, and nagito. Though you hadnt met the former, the ladder freaked you out.

"Ah hello Mura! Hello sonia! Hello Teruteru! My friend here wanted to do his introductions! Is it okay if we bud into your conversation for a bit?" Nagito asks politely

"I dont see a problem with it. Come on." I wave them over as we all stand in a group of 5

"I'm Hajime Hinata. And I dont remeber my ultimate. What about you guys?" The ahoge boy now known as hajime Hinata says to me sonia and teruteru.

"Im Mura Kaiyō Ultimate ninja. I believe you are the one I saved from landing on the sand." I say to him so he gets slightly shocked

"Mhm! Getting saved by a girl.. kinda sad hajime." Nagito says slyly

(In the back of your head you think you hear someone say DEGENERATE MALE but you arent sure)

"And I'm Sonia Nevermind! Ultimate princess! It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm happy my friend here was able to save you from injury! And it's good to see that you are healthy now!" Sonia says brightly

"Entranced yet hajime? Of course you are! With her long blond hair and sky blue eyes, you are sure to be in some kind of spell when near! Make sure to lift your pinkie when drinking tea around this one! I heard she hates birds! Specifically toucans!" He says happily

"T-toucans? Do I need to ask?" Hajime says concerned

"Ugh.. I despise toucans! I saw one awful image of their beaks being removed and showing a human mouth.. the worst experience of my life!" Sonia says shaking.

(She saw this image btw)

(She saw this image btw)

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Kazuichi Soda X Gundam Tanaka X OC 【Shsl Ninja】Where stories live. Discover now