1:Heart Throbbing School Trip?

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First day of hopes peak.. I hope this will be fun. And worth my time. I've been accepted as the ultimate ninja. Which confuses me, why would they allow someone who has killed into a high school? Thought the heroine of this story

Well no time to dwell on it now. I still have to enter the school after all. I hope I'm able to open up to people.. father was always controlling on if I could have friends.. and his answer was always no.

"I havent even walked in the school yet.. I've killed people before.. why is entering a school so hard?" Mura said outloud without realizing

She then took a deep breath and stepped foot into what was supposedly going to be the best four years of her life.

Then she passed out. She could faintly hear someone from behind her yell something along the lines of "W-woah! Is she oka-" they seemed to have run up to you, but then you heard a thump beside you. So you assumed they ran beside you to help you up then also passed out.

It wasn't long before mura woke up again. In a long corridor of 1's and 0's. Her only company being a door that basically yelled at her to open it.

And she obliged, opening the door to reveal.. 11..12..13 other students, all with varying levels of crazy attire and look.

"Ah, so that's the 14th student. Now we just wait for 2 more.." Mura could faintly hear the well dressed blond (in white.) Say as you snuck to the back silently.

You seemed to be noticed by the person you were right beside scaring you in the process however, she spoke up.

"Ah hello! I assume you are another new student? I'm sonia nevermind! Ultimate princess," this woman literally radiated good vibes. She was pure sunshine. And she seemed like a good first friend.

"I'm Mura, Mura Kaiyō, the ultimate ninja, it is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Nevermind." You say as you bow to the newly acquainted princess

"Ah- you dont have to treat me like royalty! I'm just a student like you.." she sighs out, still positively.

"Oh my apologies, I wasnt trying to treat you differently.. I was just unsure how to act around people my age.. I was quite sheltered as a child and forced to train a lot, making it so I'd have less then good people skills.." you say sadly as you face the floor in shame.

"Oh how coincidental! I was quite sheltered as well! Being a princess and all. I feel we will be great friends Ms-" sonia was interrupted by the door opening. Revealing one of the craziest people you think you have ever seen.

This guy had long slightly under the shoulder pink hair, a highlighter yellow jumpsuit. A beanie. And SHARK TEETH.. I feel bad for whatever becomes his next meal. Let's just hope he isnt the ultimate cannibal or something.

"That seems to be student 15. You said we were waiting for 1 more then mortal? If you lied then you will be sent into the deepest layer of hell!" Some hot topic wanna be yelled from the other corner in the room, opposite to you and sonia, though his threat was clearly targeted at the well dressed blond, Though you cant really be talking about hot topic like outfits, Your outfit isnt exactly sunshine and rainbows.

(The cover image is her outfit, I cant draw so pretend its covering more skin. Like pretend her shoulders are covered and the see through parts are pure black. Though the bandage is still there.)

And accompanied by your long down to your waist purple hair it really isn't painting you as a very fun loving person.

The pink shark thing went to the corner diagonal to you and sonia. You could see from the corner of your eyes as you and sonia kept chatting that he was staring at you two.

Kazuichi Soda X Gundam Tanaka X OC 【Shsl Ninja】Where stories live. Discover now