9: The First Trial (part 1/2) 👩‍💼👨‍💼

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After leaving the kitchen of the old building she ran over to monokuma rock, where only a few people were apparently.

"Apologies for being late everyone.. I had some last minute investigating to do.." Mura says, apologizing for her tardiness

"No need to apologize! You actually are one of the first people here!" Akane says

After she said that a few more people came, only leaving Teruteru and Nagito

"What's keeping those two assholes?!" Fuyuhiko yelled angrily

"Well I passed nagito on the way here.. I just think he's a slow Walker." Pekoyama explained to fuyuhiko

"Then what about-" hiyoko started but was interrupted by the two recently mentioned boys

"Sorry we are late everyone! Teruteru was lost and I'm not the fastest.. but we are here now!" Nagito explained,

"So what now.. do we have this simple trial on the sand?! This will not do at all!" Gundam says, reminding Mura that she needed to talk to Him, Souda, and Sonia soon

The murmurs of the students were interrupted by a loud rumbling coming from the mountain, causing some gasps

"Aaah! An earthquake! Ibuki didn't buy Insurance!!" Yelled Ibuki loudly

Though all of a sudden the shaking stopped, and it was replaced with a loud BANG that scared even more people

"W-what the actual FUCK?!" kazuichi yelled from beside Mura, though his yelling was quite justified as what happened was absurd

The Monokuma rock's mouth had opened up, and a giant escalator had shot out, seemingly to take the students into the trial room

"Well.. I'm off." Mura says, getting on the escalator first, causing some people to Gasp

"M-Ms Mura?! What if it's dangerous! Let gundam test it out for you!" Kazuichi says, worried.

"Or! Let the trashy pig shit skank test it! She doesn't really matter anyways.." Hiyoko said with a sly chuckle

"If she is going then I must go as well! Come along now friends! We must avenge our fallen ally!" Sonia says, causing Souda to quickly run behind her and get on as well

Gundam soon followed, and then everyone else did as well.

The escalator led the students into an elevator, which would take them down into the trial room, once hajime pressed the button, the kids were on their way to what would lead to either all of or One of their deaths.

"Hey Sonia, Kazuichi, Gundam, could I speak to you before we enter the trial room? Its important" Mura asked the 3 people beside her

They all gave murmurs of agreement as they walked toward the purple haired girl, curious as what she was going to say

"No matter what. Lets find the culprit, even if it ends up being one of us, we have to avenge Byakyua. Does that sound alright?" Mura asked the group

"W-wow! Shes so inspirational.. of course Ms Mura! Though I'd never kill anyone!" Kazuichi says proudly

"I wont kill anyone either! But we must bring to justice the ones who do kill!" Sonia says happily

"Neither shall I, though it's respectable that you would ask." Gundam says with a smirk

Mura nodded, satisfied with their answers, all she had to do now was reveal teruteru as the blackened.

Eventually the doors that would mean either 1 or all died opened, and there were pedestals for each seperate person

Kazuichi Soda X Gundam Tanaka X OC 【Shsl Ninja】Where stories live. Discover now